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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

पंडित श्याम लाल शर्मा जी; उनके साथ बचपन की कुत्छ यादें

 पंडित श्याम लाल शर्मा जी; उनके साथ बचपन की कुत्छ यादें :

 श्याम लाल जी के हमारे परिवार के साथ बड़े घनिष्ट संबंध थे ! उनके पिताजी, श्री नथूमल जी , मेरे बाबा , श्री राम स्वरूपमाल जी के साथ काम करते थे , बाबा जी को लिखना पढ़ना नहीं आता था , लिखने पढ़ने का सारा काम , उनकी  ज़मींदारी का , स्याम लाल जी के पिताजी ही संभालते थे ! हम सब लोगों का उनसे और उनके परिवार से बड़ा घनिष्ट संबंध था ! बचपन से ही में उनसे , उनके परिवार से लगभग दैनिक रूप से ही मिलता जुलता रहता था ! वह सब लोग भी हमारा बहुत ख्याल रखते थे, बहुत पियार करते थे ! 

बचपन की उनके साथ की बहुत सी यादें हैं, परन्तु यहाँ केवल कुत्छ ही दे पाउँगा ! श्याम लाल जी बचपन से ही बहुत बुद्धीमान थे , यदि उनको ठीक से शिक्षा और अवसर मिले होते तो वह भी  सफल ेइंजीनियर  होते ! राम ओ तार जी की चक्की पर काम करते थे! चक्की  पर केवल आटा  ही  पिस्ता था , श्याम लालजी ने दूसरे कमरे में धान कूटने की मशीन लगा दी , फिर कुत्छ दिनों के बाद, रुई धुनने की मशीन उसी दूसरे कमरे में लगा दी ! चक्की को चलने बिजली के मोटर के पटे तथा उनकी दिशा बदल कर , अलग अलग प्रकार से एक ही मोटर से काम करते थे ! रुई धुनने की मशीन झालु में पहली और आखरी बार आई होगी !

चककी के ऊपर जुगाड़ लगा कर अपने आप से बनाकर चार पंखड़ी  का पंखा भी लगा दिया था ! यह सब देख कर मुझे बचपन में बहुत अध्भुत लगता था !  कौनसी  मशीन लगनी है, कान्हा से आएगी , कैसे चलेगी, यह प्रश्न , उस समय के लिए बड़े कठिन थे परन्तु, शयाम लाल जी यह सब करते रहते थे!

कुत्छ समय बाद उन्होंने अपना साइकिल सुधारने, किराये पर देने का कार्ये  शुरू किया, धीऱे धीरे , गैस की लालटैन , शादियों में  गैस की लालटेन तथा लाउडस्पीकर किराये पर देने लगे ! रिपेयर का काम तो किसी भी प्रकार का हो , आज भी कर लेते हैं ! किसी भी प्रकार की कोई भी चीज़ हो, जुगाड़ लगा कर ठीक कर ही लेते हैं! 

उनकी बुद्धि  व् क्षमता को में नमन करता हूँ !

अभी , झालु में सब से अधिक आयु के हैं ! वरिष्ठ , सम्मानित व्यक्ति हैं! इस वर्ष, २०२२,  गणतन्तंर दिवस पर , उनसे धव्ज आरोहण कराया गया , सम्मानित किया गया ! उनके के लिए दीर्ध आयु की कामना करते है !  , 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Ghost in ( पूर्ण आश्रम ) Poorna Ashram-DAV College Hostel, DehraDun

 In 1953 July,  after my High School from HIC, Chandpur, I took admission in DAV College , DehraDun. I was given a seat in Dayanad Ashram - a hostel of the college on campus. After some time, all the students of first year ( 11th class) were transferred to Poorna Ashram, another very small hostel of the college , also on the campus. It was wonderful location on the west side of the college , having varandah on both the sides of our rooms. One varandah opening towards DBS College ( then DAV Inter College ). Our warden , Prof Pathak, HOD, Law Department lived next to our hostel; His wife died just a few months ago and there was a rummer that as a Ghost, she lived on a giant tree in front of the house of the warden . There was a water tap just under the tree.

Budh Deo Sharma ( from Najibabad) was on one of our classmate who also lived in Poorna Ashram, one day  had a bet that anyone  dare to get a tumbler of water from that water tap in the middle of night because of the presence of the ghost.Though I was young at the age of 17 years, did not believe in the ghost. I accepted the challenge and went in dark night at about 12 midnight time to fetch the water. As I reached, I heard strange voices coming out from the huge tree ,and as I reached there , some thing started coming down slowly. I took my water and snatched the object coming down. To my surprise, I found that it was a blanket which was lowered by Budh Deo , he also got down from the tree with strange figure and sound. Any way the drama was over with a climax. I gave him a good beating for staging this scary drama. Perhaps, it could have been a fatal incident for a weak heart. I reported the incident to Prof Pathak and he was very furious on Budh Deo. Later Part is not interesting for this blog.

Be brave, there is no Ghost, it is made by people to create scary stories.


My childhood Memories; Seth Saifulla, Rafiq, Shafiq and Azizul Nabi, BOMBAY Visit in 1958;

 Seth Shafiullah , perhaps left Jhalu for Bombay  in his childhood in early 1930s; He was from ordinary Barber family of the town. His son Rafiq was my classmate upto primary education.later he also left for Bombay. Seth had three wives, two used to live in Jhalu and one in Bombay .we were his family friends.

It was 1958 , August , after my B.Sc. went to Bombay to attend my interview for a job with Western Railway at Church Gate  Railway Station office . I stayed with my friend , Rafiq and his family . They had a small residence in a multi- story Building, KULSUM Terrace near most famous Taj Hotel. Seth and Rafiq had a very nice and big  "TAJ SALOON" with ten serving chairs in COLABA, Bombay. (Shafiq , younger brother of Rafiq had his own Saloon , somewhere in Colaba area. Rafiq,s mother was very loving and  caring person.She insisted me that I must eat with them but I was hesitant being a vegetarian. Rafiq took me to a restaurant and asked them to provide me only with vegetarian meal. But to my surprise, I found a bone in my vegetables. They told, that they use the same serving spoon for veg and non-veg food . For the rest of my stay in Bombay, I took my food with Rafiq,s family. I fully enjoyed my stay with them. In spare time , I used to sit with Rafiq and Seth in their saloon. 

Rafiq introduced me with Azizul Nabi, my another classmate upto middle school, he was running a Taxi. He took me all around Bombay during my stay in Bombay. He will take me along with his passengers and drop me at some interesting point like Chowpati, Juhu, Hanging Garden etc. and will collect me to drop me at another point. Thus my friend gave me free ride and shown me whole Bombay. How nice of him. I do remember the facitivities of Ganesh Pooja in Bombay and Ganesh Visarjan in Chowpati.

I left my contact with them since long. They and their families must be living in Colaba, Bombay happily. I wish them well.