Think and Grow rich by ( Lionel Sosa) Napoleon Hill Foundation
Hill's mantra was: " Whatever your mind can conceive and believe , you can achieve. "
(Conceive ??? it depends as what one can perceive; perception is a matter of conditioning- by its environment, education and training etc. and also according to individual's capacity )
Indians dream in at least two languages; English and mother tongue (Hindi, Tamil....)
The cultural baggage derived from our roots subtly influences our success and failures. Our roots make us who we are. They determine our core values. These values dictate our beliefs, and our beliefs drive our behaviour.
Are you carrying negative cultural baggage on your journey to riches.?
Are you carrying some you are not aware of?
Hill's principles:
1. DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE: A definiteness of purpose is more than a strong wish. It is a clear, definite goal fueled by great passion. It makes you believe. When you believe, you forget your doubts and fears. Pessimistic thoughts vanish and optimistic thoughts become habit.
Listen to your guts and be alert to opportunity. only being " good " is not good enough.
Get good advice , Find good Mentors; mentoring gives you a firsthand look into the field that excites you; it helps you see the good , the bad, and the ugly up close.;it helps you to seperate the dream from the reality; it gives you a chance to evaluate your choice.
Most people ( 95% or so) settle for less than they are able of accomplishing .they leave their future to destiny . they make excuses , procrastinate, do not muster the courage.
2. MASTERMIND ALLIANCE: the mastermind alliance is built of two or more minds working together in perfect harmony in pursuit of a common goal. This concepts allows you to use the talents, experience, knowledge, and education of people you work with to help you reach your goal .The combined energy turns beliefs into reality.
Meet often, either formally or informally, to review how things are going.Daily is not too ofte. Communicate freely and openly.Build trust through trusting others.
1. positive mental attitude,( attitude of optimism)
3.sincerity of purpose ( sincerity comes from within, no prescription, no recipe)
4.promptness of decision (what is infinitely more important than the how )
5.courtsey ( good manners can be taught , Courtesy comes naturally , from the heart)
6.tact (tact is closely associated with courtesy, one can not practice one without the other ) some of the things that show lack of tact:
a. assuming that one's opinion is more important than the others;
b. believing that one has the answers to practically everything;
c. speaking out of turn;
d. asking familiar questions in an attempt to appear closer to a person....
e. complaining when requests or favours refused;
f. correcting people in presence of others;
g. declining requests from others in arrogant manner;
h. openly questioning the soundness of others' opinion;
i. giving unsolicited advice, especially about family matters;
j. assuming one has the best idea most of the time;
( apologize if you have offended someone with your behavior; acknowledging an unintentional lapse is a sign of growth and maturity.)
7.tone of voice
8.the habit of smiling
9.facial expression
10.tolerance " open your eyes and see " ; " open your mind and learn "
Tolerance is accepting others' differences. Intolerance is a misplaced sense of importance.
11.frankness of manner and speech ( withholding information amounts lieing as it is basic dishonesty and undermines the soundest character. )
12.a keen sense of humor ( Humor promotes a positive environment ; it makes life and work more fun and happy ) in infinite intelligence ( Faith in infinite intelligence unleashes the power within you. Faith is the inspiration that fuels your journey and enables you to accomplish your goal. USE IT );
14.a keen sense of justice
15.appropriate use of words
16.effective speech/communication
17.emotional control ( Seven Negative emotions : fear , hatered , anger, greed,jealousy,revenge, and superstition; seven Positive emotions are: love, sex, hope, faith, sympathy, optimism, and loyalty ) ( People with less EQ or who do not control their emotions are selfish. They consider that what they think, want to do, or say, is more important than what others think, do or say ) Relationships are built on emotion as much as anything else.
18.alertness of interest
20.fondness of people
22.effective showmanship
23.clean sportsmanship
24.a good handshake (welcoming attitude)
25. personal magnetism/charm
Faith is a state of mind, not necessarily your religious beliefs. For lasting success, faith should be active not passive. Faith is based on three critical truths; belief in yourself; belief in your goal ; belief in infinite intelligence. Having faith means relaxing your own reason and willpower and opening your mind to the power of infinite intelligence. Faith gives you the courage to keep focused and to keep going even when the going gets tough.
Fears: seven fears;
1. Poverty; fear of poverty is real and as destructive as the unconcious acceptance of poverty. it creats the negatives; a. avoidance of ambition ( "whatever God wants " ) ; b. failure to make your own decisions ( " however God wants" ) ; c. making excuses for your failures ( " It was not meant to be" as God wanted ); d. a negative mental attitude ( " whatever will be, will be " destiny... );
2. Criticism: self-perception is painfully self-defeating.
4. The Loss of Love:
5. The Old Age:
6. Loss of Liberty:
7. Death:
Going the extra mile or doing more than people expect you to do is an amazing idea. When applied with the right attitude, it will produce explosive results almost immediately . PPMM : P=Positive; P= Purpose ; M= mastermind ; M = Mile
" Rendering more and better service than what you are paid to do and doing it consistently with a positive mental attitude. " " GIVE and you will RECEIVE "
1. Do more than you are expected to do.
2. Do it every day ( all the time )
3. Do it happily ( willingly )
You will get back all you give , many times over.
Personal initiative is contagious;
Personal initiative creates advancement; lack of personal initiative and laziness are closely related. People, lacking it, are happy as they are. Personal initiative is present in all of us. It is nothing more than the exercising of the free will we were gifted with at birth. we can use it in any place and at any time we like. DECIDE TO USE IT.
Personal initiative creates the future; There are no traffic jams on the highway of the extra mile.
Indisciplined people act first and think afterwards. Self discipline instills in you the habit of thinking before acting. Mind is divided into six compartments. each of these is totally controlled by you and you alone. if you understand these compartments, you will understand self-discipline. Six compartments are:
1.Ego: Your ego is nothing more than your idea of your worth. Source of willpower which is so strong that it can change, reverse, or eliminate the work of any other department. Ego drives the decisions you make. If it is in perfect balance, its effects are positive, if weak, it has negative effects.
2. Emotions:
3. Reason; you must have a reason. Reason handles the more routine functions of judgement.
4. Conscience: Listen to your conscience. do not turn your ears deaf to it.
5. Memory: memory of good events/bad events; with good memories, your imagination will turn them into riches;
CONTROLLED ATTENTION: no ifs, no maybes, know exactly what you want.
ACCURATE THINKING: Mind is like a piece of land. It can become a beatiful garden full of flowers and fruits or it can lie fallow and be overrun with weeds. As the gardener of your mind, choose to invest the time and other resources needed to tend your garden , feed it, water it and keep the bad bugs away.
LEARNING FROM ADVERSITY: Defeat is not failure unless and until you accept it as such
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This write-up is taken from some where and produced here for general benefit; it discusses various aspects of self development and developing an effective and strong personailty.