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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Wheel

WHEEL is everywhere, more especially in all the transporting devices. Any scientific invention and Technological innovation has brought a whole new style of life but wheel brought a tremendous change.The wheel is probably the most important mechanical invention of all times. The idea of a symmetrical component moving in a circular motion on an axis, gave the boost to the Industrial revolution. All other technologies evolved out of this simple principle of motion. We have unwavering love of the wheel. Children have special attraction to Ferris Wheel.
But my question here is:
WHO should be accredited for the invention of the WHEEL?
WHEN, and WHERE the WHEEL was invented?
WHAT material was used in the first known WHEELS?

Note: In India, our scriptures are full describing the use of chariots and hence the use of WHEEL in the ancient times including Ramayana and Mahabharata.

1 comment:

  1. Wheel can also be called Chakra. Chakra literally means wheel.
