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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rajendra Pal Bansal

Rajendra was unique in himself; He was intelligent but desperate and frustrated person in life because he never got right opportunities because of his limitation , family background at the time he was born in that family. Circumstance did not allow him to grow and progress according to his ability and capability.His father had little to offer him or to any child as his condition then was very poor with very limited resources. What Rajendra came to be, it was his own effort and destiny.Rajo was certainly very fortunate to be his wife and to be in that family.He felt left out, unfortunate and disappointed and frustrated through out his life.
Drinking and smoking excessively was the outcome of that frustration. I and Rajendra had very good understanding of each other while all others misunderstood him including his own family members. I will ever remain under obligation to him as he kept my sister much more better way than she deserved.He took especial care of my daughter, Sapna, perhaps more than his own children. She is what she is because of him.I can never be free from his debt and obligation. We had great mutual respect for each other.
He died prematurely just before his retirement ( He could have retired from Bina near Jhansi ). I feel very sorry about if as this was the time that he could enjoyed his life very well especially with the progress of Sachin.In fact, Drinking took his life breaking down the whole system of his body especially the kidney , liver and diabetes. Lately he improved a lot in his life style but during the last phase of his life, he was left alone after the birth of Tuk Tuk (Avani ) daughter of Sachin. Rajo remained behind in Pune while he has to go back to his job , not to return to anywhere.He felt isolated, started excessive drinking and smoking without any proper food etc; got weak and his system started collapsing, one day he fell down from the staircase which could have been ordinary thing in normal circumstances but in this case , he was injured and never got cured rather got worst and worst, finally shifted to GangaRam Hospital, Delhi. It was too late. He struggled there alone with limited care whatever Rajo could give him during his last days.
Rajendra will always remain in my memory.


  1. In fact, he left lot of credit and debt on all of us. What a life he lived?

  2. Yes, he is right, we are very grateful for him to keep our daughter Sapna. She always appreciates him. We cannot forget him.

  3. Your memory is sharp and accurate. I too can't believe myself to be here- if you were not present in Saharanpur, in the summers of 2002. I guess it was my fate which turned things accordingly and planned your visit to my house just a week before I was leaving for Delhi. Having said that, one point which I always tell Surbhi: I just do my job without enjoying it may be because of the blood of Bhaiji. I still still wanted to do MBA course... but anyways, I am thankful to God, you and Papa for giving me a well settled comfortable life. Though my dreams and desires were much bigger...
    posted by Sachin;
