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Thursday, July 19, 2012


Marriage : An entry into the dignified family life.VIVAH Sanskar  has the greatest significance among the sixteen sanskaras of Vedic origin. The main purpose of marriage is to pay Pitri Rin from among the three Rin we are born with. They are Dev Rin which is paid by doing Yagya, Brahm Rin which is paid by studying Ved, and Pitri Rin which is paid by producing children to extend our family. Raising a family also opens up our KARMA Kshetra by taking responsibility of the family and perform our duties. Each member of the family has his own duties and actions to perform and they cannot be performed unless he is in a familial relationship. GOD has created this institution to keep His creation to continue for ever and for the success of this institution, HE has created very strong forces which drive even the strangers of opposite sex to accept this relationship leaving their own families, come very close to each other and raise  a family of their own.  This relationship is durable and strong to have  a family and children. Interpersonal relationships are intimate and mutually accepted.
People are supposed to follow the code of conduct towards the family and the society of which they are the members. This code of conduct was designed by our ancestors keeping in view the aspects of religion and spirituality and four Ashrams, especially of Grahasth Ashram (normally during the age 25-50 years).
 Most people marry except a few to keep the creation going on. Marriages are performed with certain rituals according to the faith (Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc) of individuals. Through this Sanskar, we accept the principles of religion and authority of GOD.

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