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Sunday, December 31, 2017

CALENDAR; Modern Calendar

History of Calendar is given on:
However a short description of modern calendar is gien below:
Modern Calendar
Today's calendar year begins in January conceivably because it's the first full month when the days start growing longer (minutes of daily sunlight increasing in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes most of the world's land and about 90% of the human population), after the Winter Solstice at the end of December. Additionally, the planet Saturn mutually ruling time and the sign of Capricorn might have something to do with the selection of January as the first month of the calendar year. The seven day week division is probably linked to ancient farmers planting by the moon's phases (seven day quarters). As to why the day officially starts at 12:00 a.m. and not sunrise, it's possibly due to the fact that after 12:00 a.m. the Sun departs from its daily nadir (in relation to the Earth) as it begins its ascent to the mid-heaven, which it reaches at Noon.
After the 1600s the Gregorian calendar was finally used throughout most of Europe and was adopted by what is now the east coast of America in the mid 1700's, before 1776, the recognized birth year of America. Greece and Russia avoided using it until the early 1900's. Japan formally implemented it in 1873, Korea in 1896, and China in 1912.

Note: Calendars in India: there are 21 different calendars in India used in different parts of India; read in detail:

Sunday, December 24, 2017

FOREIGN FOLK TALES IN HINDI; देश विदेश की कथाएँ हिंदी में :

It looks like that Sushma Gupta is the only one who has translated maximum number of foreign folk tales from English language to Hindi. It looks like a library on the subject. Perhaps, no one has even translated so many stories from English language to Hindi

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Desh Videsh Kee Lok Kathayein in HINDI: देश विदेश की लोक कथाएँ हिंदी में प्रकाशित

Sushma Gupta has translated more than 1200 foreign folktales from Africa, America, Canada and Europe etc. for Hindi speaking people in India and abroad: These folktales are being published in print and Digital media from different channels. I would like to place their information over here for our friends on social media:
1. A page has been created for these folktales on my face book for reading stories from various people and also information about the accessibility of folktales in other media:

Details about these stories about Ethiopian Folktales were published in earlier blog

Here are details of some more interesting stories about Italy published in;
In all, there are TEN Books of Folktales of Italy; 

Folktales from Italy-1 (15 folktales)
Folktales from Italy-2 (17 folktales)
Folktales from Italy-3 (10 folktales)
Folktales from Italy-4 (11 folktales)
Folktales from Italy-5 (18 folktales)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

LISTEN TEXT in your favourite LANGUAGE including HINDI

one can hear the stories or any other matter from a TEXT by using  ttsread  app.;
one can listen stories ( from Text) ; it is really good for children at home and in the school to tell the stories in the language they understand; Good for visually Handicapped Children who can not read the text from the books , they can enjoy listening the stories or benefit from the literature in any language to any language; Step by step procedure is given below as how to download the app on the computer; once installed on the computer then very simple to use by bringing the text to computer and clicking the RED SPEAKER Icon on the computer , normally on the upper RIGHT corner of the computer in the address bar; You may also use following links to know more about it:
विंडोज 7-8-10 पीसी के लिए - ( For Windows 7,8, and 10 PCs )
फ़ोन के लिए ट्यूटोरियल नुमा यहाँ है ( For Cell Phone ):
If you are using Chrome
1.. Open the Chrome
3, click on this button Inline image 2, then click Inline image 4
4. This icon will show up at the top right corner of the chrome brower Inline image 3
5.. Click on this new icon and another screen will come up.
 On which on the Right Hand Corner you will see a box stating language. Inline image 5
Drop down that Menu by clicking it and select the language "Hindi"
 Inline image 6
6..Another box, just below that, will also be there stating the speed,
Inline image 8
Click on the button to see the drop down options
Among many speeds choose "Very Slow Speed",
Now click on the red button and this window will go away
4.. Now go to any webpage you want the browser to read to you.
Click on the red icon again
The new window will open again and will contain text from this webpage
Inline image 9
7. A  Inline image 7will also appear. Just click that icon and it will start reading the text on that page you have opened.
8.. After that the "Forward Arrow" sign will change into a "Pause Button"
8.. So to stop Reading the page just click the "Pause" button

9.. Next time you open that page it will start reading from the same place you have left
it before.
10. to read only a certain portion of the text, highlight that text in this new window and then press play.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Sushma Gupta has translated more than 1200 foreign folktales from Africa, America, Canada and Europe etc. for Hindi speaking people in India and abroad: These folktales are being published in print and Digital media from different channels. I would like to place their information over here for our friends on social media:
1. A page has been created for these folktales on my face book for reading stories from various people and also information about the accessibility of folktales in other media:

2. Folktales of Ethiopia: 
  (a)  In print media from very popular Publishers in India: PRABHAT PRAKASHAN:

         1.PRABHAT Publications:

3. published in digital media:


Here is the collection of 27 folktales from my book "Folktales of Ethiopia-1"
published on the Website of Rachanakar

१  न्याय में अन्तर

२  नौ हयीना और शेर

 3 शेर का बंटवारा

 4 शेर का बच्चा

5 न्यायप्रिय राजा फिरदी

 6  नौ भाई 

7  नौ बेवकूफ भाई

 8  बेवकूफ मामो 

 9  बेवकूफ गधा

 10   एक कुत्ता और एक गधा 

 11  सीधा कुत्ता और चालाक भेड़िया

 12  चूहे ने बन्दर की पूंछ बचायी

 13 अक्लमन्द भेड़िया

 14  मगर और बन्दर

 15  गधे की पूंछ

 16  चतुर पिता

 17  आलसी बेटे 

 18  होशियार बेटा 

 19  चतुर गवैया

20  चालाक पत्नी

21  लालची कुत्ता 

22  काले से गोरा अच्छा

 23  नाचने वाली भेड़

 24  दो धोखेबाज 

 25  एक अमीर भाई और एक गरीब भाई

26  गरीब को परेशान करने का नतीजा

 27  पूंछ कटा बन्दर और राजा का शहद

Here is the collection of 18 folktales from my book "Folktales of Ethiopia-2"
published on the Website of Rachanakar

१  धन के बच्चे

२  करामाती भाले

३  एक आदमी ने चोरी करना सीखा 

४  चोर और कुरसी

५  चालाक चोर 

६  एक डाकू और तीन चोर 

७  औरतों ने अपना बडापन कैसे खोया

8  औरतें और बरतन

९  एक औरत और एक शेर 

१०  सुनहरा घोडा

११  सोना उगलने वाला गधा 

१२  बोतल का साँप

१३  झूठी कसम खाने का फल 

१४  दो यात्री 

१५  एक विद्यार्थी की कहानी 

१६  बेवकूफ नौकर

१७  होशियार चरवाहा

१८  सिनजैरो की कहानी