हमारे गांव , झालु में, मेरे बचपन के दिनों में , संत, महात्मा, पंडित , समय , समय पर आते रहते थे; ठंड के दिनों में तो प्रतिएक वर्ष ही आते थे ! गढ़वाल तथा कश्मीर से तो सदैव ही कोई न कोई पंडित हर वर्ष ही आते थे ! कुत्छ दिन रहते और कभी कभी प्रवचन भी करते थे! मेरे बाबा जी , भगत जी के नाम से तो जाने ही जाते थे परन्तु वह , इन संत, महात्माओं की सेवा में सदेव ही रहते थे ! यह सभी लोग, ठाकुरद्वारे वाली धर्मशाला में ही रुकते थे ! कुत्छ दिन रहते , फिर कहीं और चले जाते ! बाबा जी सांयकाल के पश्चात , प्रायः प्रतियेक दिन ही उनके दर्शन करने तथा वियाखियाँन सुनने जाया करते थे ! मुझे भी साथ में ले जाया करते थे ! मुझे भी उनके दर्शन का लाभ होता, षष्टाचार भी सीखने को मिल गया ! स्वमी जी तथा डंडी स्वामी जी को " नमो नारायण " कहना है! उनके चरण स्पर्श करने हैं ! आदि आदि!
में, नौ या दस वर्ष का हूँगा , एक बहुत ज्ञानी/योगिये स्वामी जी आये ! उनोहने गायत्री मंत्र के विषय में , मंत्र की महत्ता के विषय में बड़े विस्तार से समझाया ! कुच्छ दिनों तक मंत्र के उचित प्रकार से उच्चारण करने का अभ्यास भी कराया ! में उसमे बड़ी ततपरता तथा धियान से भाग लिया ! He mentioned that in our Vedic system, we have Mantra, Yantra, and Tantra which our great ancestors, Rishi/Mehrishi- the great scholars and researchers created after long long time of search/research through tapasya, yagiya, upasna etc. All the three have great powers as they are designed for specific purpose. MANTRAS are very special , constructed based on the effects of sound vibrations on our sensory organs , especially the EARS which transmit those vibrations to the brain to create certain effects : each Mantra has its own effect; In most of the Mantra, you may find " OM " in the beginning which has maximum sound vibration effects on our brains, even on animals and plants and other living beings) ; Each Mantra is created by some Rishi after deep studies over long period of time. GAYATRI MANTA is Mahamantra among all the mantras created by BRAHAM RISHI, Vishwamitra jee. Great gift to us. The sound vibrations created by chanting Gayatri mantra when strike to our ears, they transmit special effects to the brain faculties especially related to Intelligence. These vibrations in a balanced way can improve, one or several brain faculties depending upon the existing brain cells and composition ( you may find some are born genius , some intelligent and some dull ... retarded etc. ) But over all , Gayatri mantra and its sound vibrations do improve/boost our brain faculties. He further explained that among many other things , brain has five main faculties- Understanding, Memory, Imagination, Thinking, Creativity and totality of these faculties is called as Intelligence );Swami jee gave some very simple examples illustrating the effects of sound waves; we do not like to hear the sound of a Drum ? Drum beating , we do like to hear melodious music of flute because they differently affect our brain. music is pleasant feeling while Noise is a disturbance or kind of pollution (sound pollution); Swami jee,s preaching on the aspect of Mantras and especially of Gayatri Mantra left a long lasting impression on me.
उनके प्रवचनो का प्रभाव , मेरे मस्तिष्क तथा हिरदय पर आज तक भी विद्यमान है! अपने जीवन में मैंने उसका अभ्यास भी किया, पिरयोग भी किया ! मंत्र उच्चारण के लाभ का व्यक्तिगत रूप से अनुभव भी किया ! कई उद्धरण हैं ! उनमें से दो का , यहां वियाखां कर्रूँगा!
१. विद्यार्थी की सफलता के लिए मस्तिस्क की दो शक्तियों की अव्शाकियता होती है , समझ तथात यद्दाश्त ( Understanding and Memory ; ) A student needs two things- UNDERSTANDING- to understand the contents and concepts of the subject , MEMORY to retain those understood concepts and be able to RETRIEVE them whenever necessary. A student understands but he fails in the examination by not reproducing/retrieving them . I had wonderful memory up to my High School and Intermediate examinations though better till High School. I successfully passed my examinations based on these two faculties. I was confident about my abilities and depending on them, I prepared my B.Sc.Part I Examination very well but I knew that my memory did not work for me in my first examination paper in Chemistry. I left my answer sheet completely blank; At home, I tried to prepare for the next paper but found that my understanding was OK but Memory did not work, so I decided to drop from rest of my examination. Remembered the preaching of Swamijee in my childhood and I decided that I will try and test Gayatri Mantra to boost my memory. I decided to go to BHU where, they had old style B.Sc. Exam. - only final examination at the end of two years though had half yearly exam for first year and second year and annual examination after first year to promote one to second year. I chanted Gayatri Mantra and tested my memory by appearing in the half yearly exam , a little bit improved, then did my first year annual , it was better, then appeared in half yearly exam of second year ( most students will good memory never appeared in annual exam of first year and half yearly exam of second year as they do not affect the result of final exam.) I found it was much better and was confident that atleat, I will pass B.Sc. with 3rd. Division. to my surprise and of my friends, I got more than 55% - passed with second division. It was simply based on my boosted Memory as I did not understand the contents of the subject. Even my attempt for Dynamics and Statics paper was based purely on guess work and memory. Stories are long to put them here. Honestly telling, I do not know even the topics of Physics, Maths though know somewhat of Geology. Realising this fact, I never tried my admission to M.Sc.Physics or Maths, and found no interest in Geology. I only tried my admission for LL.B but I was late in applying and lost the year . But destiny then decided to do my M.Sc. in GEOPHYSICS - it was simply because of Prof Raj Nath, HOD Geology and geophysics. Story is long and should not be discussed on public platform.
2. A similar example is of a very close person to me who wanted to drop from his Engineering course because of loss of Memory. I gave him example of my personal experience and watched his progress , he got out of it; redid some of the exams. Finally came out with success.
3. I experimented this even on some foreign elders with memory loss or confusion, it helped them too even with deviated vibrations.
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