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Friday, June 14, 2024

Knowing and Believing

 Knowing and Believing

Due to some reasons, at times I feel that God is not there....   

 This is happening because you have not tried to know God. You  only believe in God. Let us examine  the following ;
You have your mother. It is a truth.  She suggested you a person  to be called your father.  Here , mother is a truth and father is a question of suggestion, father is a question of law.    Hope that you  agree with it ?
You have been staying  with your parents for last 20/25 years . You saw your father, you have watched  his activities;, you might have observed your father taking all the pain to bring you up, to give you all what you needed and wanted. ; he talked to you with love, he expressed his longings towards you, he took care of your education ; health and entertainment etc.; All these things you experience when you were young;But  when you were one year old or younger, or even two years, you did not go to his palms, hands or lap  and you would like to be only with your mother.  Slowly from his actions, from his behaviour, from his approach, from his talk, from his expressions etc  you started developing a dependency on him, you started experiencing  a longing towards your father, you developed a  feeling that it is your father.
Here what has happened. From the beginning you have been undergoing a process of learning and knowing your father.  You have experienced for a long time the doings of your father and you are now sure that whatever he does for you, that would be in your best interest .
On the other hand, you need not  to experience your mother from her actions. The first suggestion of your mother that `call him father´,  you blindly  followed. You had no doubt at all at that time,  nothing contrary came to your mind, whether to call that man father or not. That means that you  fully believe in your mother.  No body told you to call her as mother.  It is a natural process.  When you were in your mother´s womb, you had the BELIEF, when you started growing there, this belief was there, when you came to this world, you had that belief, when you grew up, you had the belief, when you became old, you had the belief, when you are vanishing from this world, you are going with this belief with you.  This means, you  knew your mother through out the process of your birth and death .  During this process, the belief was there from the very beginning of you, and remained  there unto your death..  The  process of knowing was completed even before
the present birth. Once the knowing process is completed, the belief becomes solid (achanchal).   You need not to get a DNA test to prove  that who is your mother.  But a DNA is required to prove that who is your father.  If the DNA result conducted on father comes negative ?You are, you will, still at a confusion. You will feel that he is not my father but your other mind will say that, even if DNA is negative, what is wrong in accepting him as father. This thought comes from your experience, from your conscious.
Now in the case of your father, you are in the process of knowing him and in this process, over a period of time you believe in him.  
As a matter of fact, without knowing a principle, without knowing a person, without knowing a matter, a thing, without knowing an ideology etc ,  you cannot have belief.  When you start studying about some thing, you start knowing about it..
Suppose, train number 2323 Nizamuddin Express, you are boarding from Nizamuddin, you already know that it is going tol take you to Mumbai.  It is not your belief which takes you to the railway station, it is not your belief which tells you to get into that 2323 number train, but it is your knowledge about the train bound for Mumbai. or, otherwise, you may enter any train and will not know whether it is going to Mumbai or any other place. Therefore, without knowledge, you may land into any kind of trouble.
You need not believe in God, rather you should not believe in God.  It is not a thing to believe.  God is to be known, God is a matter to  know, God is a thinking to know, God is a principle to know, it is the truth to be known. It is the blissful consciousness. 
Three things are involved in the process of knowing; 

one; the thing which is to be known,
second, the process of knowing and
third, . the person who is trying to know 
(the known, the knowing and the knower). 
 In the process of knowing, when you proceed ahead, you reach a point where you feel that all the three become unison.  All the three become one, where neither the object, nor the process nor the knower exists ; only the supreme bliss you feel, you experience, you infer that it is beyond your capacity to know that supreme power.  Then you start believing.  At this stage there is no coming back, no doubts, no confusion.  Whatever you experience, that becomes the truth. Thus GOD is not a believable entity  but only an experience.

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