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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saint Eknath offered Ganga Jal to a Thirsty Donkey

Story is taken from Post No. 905 of London Swaminathan;
Eknath was a great saint of Maharashtra. Once he went on a pilgrimage to Benaras (Varanasi or Kasi). From there he brought back with him two pots filled with the holy water of the Ganges slung across a pole. He thought of taking it to Rameswar, a place of pilgrimage in the south, for offering to God. Hindus who visit Kasi bring Ganga jal to Rameswaram (in Tamil Nadu) and do the Abhishek ( bathing) on Shiva linga there. This is considered a meritorious act.

Eknath headed a party of pilgrims, each of whom carried water pots filled with the holy water. It was summer. The heat was very severe. Not a single tree was visible anywhere. Eknatha saw a donkey dying of thirst. His heart was filled with compassion. Immediately he poured out the contents of his water pots to the dying animal, which straightaway lapped up the whole quantity.

Restored to life the donkey got up and went away braying.

After sometime Eknath’s fellow pilgrims arrived there.
They were surprised to see the water pots of the saint empty. Therefore, they inquired of him, “Sir, where is the holy water, you brought with you?”

Eknath replied, “Brothers I gave it away to a poor donkey which was dying of thirst, since no water was available anywhere in the neighbourhood”

The fellow pilgrims exclaimed, “But sir, you have nothing left to offer to God Rameshwar! Alas! Your pilgrimage ill remain incomplete!”

The saint however, observed calmly,” What you say is true. But how could I pass by the donkey, dying of thirst, without giving it water? And as I had some water, thought it was of the holy Ganges, I let the creature slake its thirst. But I am quite sure that God Rameshwar will not only forgive me but, on the contrary, will even be pleased with me.
(Source: Inspiring Anecdotes, Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, Year of Publication 1957)

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fire in our Apartment Building.; 3015 Temple Drive, Windsor

It was 2;30 AM , 23 September, 2019, that the  fire alarms in the building were on. Everyone was out to see as what happened.I live in apartment # 212 , the fire broke in apartment # 207;  Everyone was supposed to leave the building immediately except a few handicapped people who needed assistance to leave. I have to take care of Sushma, my wife who herself can not stand up without a patient lift. I took her out of the bed and transferred   her to her TRANSFER CHAIR ,took her near the balcony; moved quickly to leave the building; the corridor was full of smoke and suffocating. I was the last person to leave the building . Sirens/alarms were still sounding in each apartment. Outside , it was cold and windy. Thanks to the pastor of the Church ( our building is in the compound of the church and we direct access to it.) who came for our rescue and took everyone to the church to make us comfortable in all respect. I have to stay back in the lawns to watch Sushma if she needed my help any time.
FIRE safety system over here is excellent. The Sirens/fire alarms are immediately on as soon as the fire is sensed ( which is also instant ) in the building and individually in each apartment with the instructions to immediately vacate the building. Everyone follows it sincerely. The Supervisor who lives in the building takes the attendance and makes sure that the building is completely evacuated.
Simultaneously, Fire Department also gets information about the Fire accident automatically by sirens/alarms and giving the details of the location etc. It does not take more than 5-10 minutes a team of firemen with their equipments etc. started  working on extinguishing the fire. Simultaneously , Ambulance facility is also informed in the similar manner. Ambulance also reached within 5 minutes and took the lady from the Apartment to the hospital; Additional ambulance was also in attendance. Roads were blocked from all sides to stop the traffic in the area just for precaution. Police cars also came rushing for their  own job to do. Since, it was in the knowledge of the fireman and officials of the building that there is one handicapped person in the apartment, the alarm in this apartment kept ringing though Sirens/fire alarms in the building were silent after the arrival of Fire Brigade.
Manager of the building, BOB, supervisor , ERNIE were also informed and they were also present and carrying out their job.
It was 5AM that everything was in control and each apartment was separately checked by firemen, that we were allowed to come back in the building.
An EXCELLENT fire safety system; excellent courtesy and help  by the priest of the Church - additional advantage for the seniors living within the campus of the church ( otherwise also we enjoy several programs of the church- dinners, lunches, coffee sessions , musicals etc.)

see other links for the story;

My friend Mr ELUVA (Friday C); incident 4: My farewell from Nigeria

after three out of many incidents with my Nigerian friend, Mr Eluva;,

here, I am describing very interesting and emotional incident.
In September 1988, I was leaving the University and Nigeria for good to join my new assignment with Addis Ababa University, Addia Ababa, Ethiopia.
My friend Mr Eluva was very sad for my leaving him, the University and Nigeria. One day, he came and cried aloud and sad that my dearest friend is leaving us and he and Victoria are very sad as they even do not have money to give a suitable gift to our departing friend; said further that Victoria is really very sad and does not even dare to come and see us. My friend and his wife are so sad and emotional, I was also shocked , went to his office and gave him enough money saying that being his good friend, I have the right to share his responsibility and feelings. He unwillingly accepted the money and I gave him a condition that he will not tell this to Victoria. This is just between us.
Victoria and Eluva came after a few days, they were very happy especially Victoria that they could manage some money and the gift. This kind of happiness can not be bought with money.
This was the kind of relationship we had; I think this was as per our prarabhadh that we met and enjoyed such kind of friendship.
Accompanied to the airport that evening were Mr. Eluva, Prof. PBL Goel and Godwin ( our house help, very quiet, sincere and hard working; I shall write about him separately).
Mr Eluva was almost crying. The biggest mistake, I did that I did not transfer my bank balance to Eluva as it was a waste after my departure from Nigeria. One of my regrets.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My friend Mr ELUVA (Friday C); incident 3; Photocpying Machine

In my two previous blogs, I described two incidents involving my Nigerian Friend, Mr Eluva and about his care and concern about us;;

This is another typical happening , I would like to describe here;Mr Eluva had a big family with several growing children; His own income - salary from the University was not enough therfore, his wife, Victoria has been doing some petty business to supplenent the income  to support the family. It was very hard way to earn some little money. As a friend,  I wanted to help him some easy way to earn more money to supplement his income and hence I got a business class, a big Photocopying machine for Mr. Eluva which he kept in one of the office of the Faculty of Education ( as he knew The Head of the Dept  and other people in the office); His sister-in-law was taking care of the work and business on the machine. I was taking care of the material - paper and ink etc.and keeping the account of income and expenditure etc.
It was doing good business as there was a great demand of photocopies by the students and the faculty on the campus. There were not many machines on the campus even in some of the departments as the machine was  new of its kind and quite expensive.
Some people got jaleous of Mr Eluva that he has been making good money out of this machine. One night those people broke into the office and stole the machine. Poor Eluva was lost, he was shocked and could not bear the loss , cried a lot. In fact the whole family was sad and shocked. Certainly, it was source of their supplementary income and making life little more comfortable. It was a great loss to him. I was equally sorry about this terrible incident. Though we recovered the cost of the machine during these few months but now the real future gain was lost. His poor luck.

My friend Mr ELUVA (Friday C); incident 2; Snake in my Flat

In my previous blog, I wrote about Mr Eluva and his obtaining the travel passage as a special case for my daughter
Here, I would like to give the details of another incident . we were living in a flat on third floor. After the dinner, we went to sleeping room and found that there is a snake under our bed. it slowly creeped into the closet nearby , there was a small hole through which some rats used to sneak in. It was very scary  having a snake in the closet of our bed room. I ran for the help and Mr Eluva came rushing immediately with a small matchet to kill the snake. We decided that we should wait till it comes out of the hole ( at one point of time it has to come out ). We can not sleep and have been watching the creature to come out. At about 2 AM in the morning , I saw its head out of the hole of the closet and called Mr Eluva again, he came rushing and saw the head of the snake and very carefully killed it. Took out the whole snake out of the closet .
When asked Mr. Eluva as how could he come so soon at 2 AM , Was he not sleeping. His answer was , whether I was sleeping. If not then how his friend can sleep in such  a situation. What a kind of wonderful, most trust worthy, caring and sincere friend.
Next day when I met Eluva to thank him for this incident , he told that he is so much scared of snakes that even if he saw a snake in front of his car, he will take his feet off the accelerator. Then he told, it was because of me, his fear was gone and he did the job. How should I appreciate such a person, nobody else could have done it for me. I can never forget this incident in my life and will remain ever grateful to him and Mr Eluva in our memories.

Friday, September 20, 2019

My friend Mr ELUVA (Friday C); incident 1; Sapna,s Home Passage

Mr Firday C Eluva was one of my very good Nigerian friend. He was our immediate neighbour on the ground floor in the block of flats on Amina Road on UI Campus, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. It was a lovely family with several children, Rose one of his eldest child and Victoria his lovely wife. Mr. Eluva was the Private Secretary to the Vice Chancellor in the University .
My daughter, SAPNA was studying in Raghunath Girls College , Meerut in India during 1984-86. Once Mr. Eluva asked me about her and her coming to visit us over here. I told him that we are entitled our passages to India every four years and to UK every two years, so she can visit us once in two years. He said no, she must visit every year during her vacation ; He himself drafted the letter , got my signature and finally got the sanction for special priviledged passage for her every year from the Vice Chancellor ( Prof.  Tekena Tamuno ). He was happy more than me.
When I took the sanction to the passage office- a section of Bursary, Mr. Balugun, the Passage Officer  was looking at it surprisingly and simply said annoyingly , he (VC) must be knowing as what he is doing , otherwise, she is not entitled to this. She has no entitlement of her own except that she enjoys the entitlement of her father only - as UI faculty.
Thanks to Mr. Eluva. Any one will do such kind of favour taking personal initiative ?
. I am fortunate having such friends all over. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

SHISHU SANSAR; शिशु संसार

SHISHU SANSAR; शिशु  संसार

Links for Shishu Sansar::
and my blogs:

Read hundreds of stories which are inspirational, humorous and moral teachings etc. only a few stories are given here but several links are gien more;


SHISHU SANSAR; शिशु  संसार
Stories are a part of life, a part of our cultural heritage, a part of teaching, a part of learning, a part of developing habits, whether good or bad. Here are some stories for children which are meant to cultivate good habits, good conduct and good nature in them. Parents and elders are requested to encourage children to read them, believe them and follow them.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Prof. B.S.PATHAK- An excellent person

I have already published a simple biographical blog on Prof Pathak

PERSONS meeting who felt eerily familiar : An interesting episode

I was living and working in Nigeria; Living on the University of Ibadan Campus in a two bed rooms apartment.
There, once ,I met Prof. S.P.Jain, who came there as an external examiner of Anatomy students of UI Medical College. Prof, Jain was the teacher of our  very good family friend , Dr. Swarup who was a faculty in the Department of Anatomy , I knew Prof Jain through him only  ). Prof. Jain was a wonderful personality ( MS (Surgery, MS ( Anatomy ) and MD etc.) , later we enjoyed his pleasant and affectionate company in Ethiopia also while I was working with Addis Ababa University.
Prof. Jain was staying in the Univerisity Guest House for this visit.
Kr. Jitendra Singh, a teacher of Physics was a very good friend , teaching in some school in Ibadan. He used to visit us almost on daily basis. Before coming to Nigeria, he has been teaching in Ethiopia. Perhaps Prof. Jain was also teaching in some medical college in Ethiopia when K J.Singh was over there. They used to meet occasionally over there, so they knew each other. Prof. Jain by his personal traits is very simple, disciplined, pleasant and social person.
I mentioned to KJ Singh that I am going to meet Prof Jain in the guest house , knowing about him, he told that he knows him very well from Ethiopia and he would also like to meet him. He accompanied me to the guest house . KJSingh introduced himself as very well known person to him from Ethiopia. Without giving any thought Prof Jain asked his welfare , about his children and many normal questions as he knew him personaaly and treated him very well.
Next day, I visited Prof  Jain again , then he asked me that who was the person KJ Singh , who came alongwith you? I was surprised about it and asked him that you talked to him in such way that you knew him personally and so well. He very simply and humbly replied that I have to act that way if a gentleman has come to visit me and introducing himself as very well known to him. He has to reciprocate in the same manner. He really could not recollect  anything about KJ Singh.
It looked to me an interesting episode of dramatization , communicating with an unknown person as a very well known person in a very normal way.
Later in Ethiopia when I was in close contact with Prof Jain, I knew many of his personal traits especially as a perfect communicator. He must be a very good teacher of his medical students  but I learnt very useful aspects of Social communication  and as how to develop social capital.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Saint Julian the Hospitaller

According to de Varazze, the night Julian was born, his father, a man of noble blood, saw pagan witchessecretly jinx his son into killing both his parents. His father wanted to get rid of the child, but his mother did not let him do so. As the boy grew into a handsome young man, his mother would regularly burst into tears because of the sin her son was destined to commit. When he finally found out the reason for her tears, he swore he "would never commit such a sin" and "with great belief in Christ went off full of courage" as far away from his parents as he could. Some versions say that it was his mother who told him at the age of 10, while others say it was a stag he met in the forest while hunting (a situation used in depicting St. Julian in statues and pictures). After fifty days of walking he finally reached Galicia where he married a "good woman", said to be a wealthy widow.
Twenty years later, his parents decided to go look for their now thirty-year-old son. When they arrived, they visited the altar of St. James, and "as soon as they came out of the church they met a woman sitting on a chair outside, whom the pilgrims greeted and asked, for Jesus' love, whether she would host them for the night as they were tired". She let them in and told them that her husband, Julian, was out hunting. (This is why he is also known as the patron of hunters). The mother and father were overjoyed to have found their son, as was Julian's wife. "She took care of them well and had them rest in her and Julian's bed". But the enemy went off seeking Julian and told him: 'I have sour news for you. While you are here, hunting, your wife is in bed embracing another man. There they are right now, still sleeping.'"
De Verazze continues: "And Julian felt deep sadness and his face drew into a frown. He rode back home, went to his bed and found a man and a woman sleeping in it. He drew his sword and killed them both. He was about to take off and never again set foot in that land, but as he was leaving he saw his wife sitting among the other women. She told him: 'There are your mother and father resting in your room'. And so Julian knew, and fell into a rage. 'The shrewd enemy lied to me when he said my wife was betraying me', and while kissing their wounds he cried 'Better had I never been born, for I am cursed in soul and body.' And his good wife comforted him and said 'Have faith in Christ Almighty, a stream of life and mercy.' They had no children... Gold and silver they had a lot... And after seeking redemption in Rome, Julian built seven hospitals and twenty-five houses. And the poor started flowing to him, to Jesus' Almighty's love."

Quattrino of Macerata depicting Saint Julian
De Verazze continues: "The enemy conspired again to ruin Julian—disguised as a weak pilgrim, he was let in by Julian with the others. At midnight he woke up and made a mess of the house." The following morning Julian saw the damage and swore never to let in anyone else in his home. He was so furious he had everyone leave. "And Jesus went to him, again as a pilgrim, seeking rest. He asked humbly, in the name of God, for shelter. But Julian answered with contempt: 'I shall not let you in. Go away, for the other night I had my home so vandalized that I shall never let you in.' And Christ told him 'Hold my walking-stick, please'. Julian, embarrassed, went to take the stick, and it stuck to his hands. And Julian recognized him at once and said 'He tricked me the enemywho does not want me to be your faithful servant. But I shall embrace you, I do not care about him; and for your love I shall give shelter to whoever needs.' He knelt and Jesus forgave him, and Julian asked, full of repentance, forgiveness for his wife and parents. Some versions skip the second mistake and tell of an angel visiting Julian and announcing to him that he is forgiven.

My Nani; My last visit to my Nani

I do not remember the exact date or time etc when I visited my Nani in Chandpur last time . However, I do remember a few things which are quite emotional, heart touching and now  I do regret for some of them.
I went to meet her by evening train , reaching Chandpur at about 8 PM or so and returned the same night by 11;45 or so. Nani has shifted from her long time residence upstairs where I lived with her to a smaller place downstairs where mama ji ( Hakim Ajoodhiya Prasad ji ) used to live and sleep. It was for obvious reasons as she was not able to live and support herself by herself and was unable to live independently. Her physical and mental health were deteriorating every day .A family of a retired policeman ( Dewan ji) was taking her good care for her daily routine .
It was dark and Nani was taking rest and preparing to sleep when I reached there. Dewan ji,s wife told her about my arrival and she asked me very rightly as " Why I have come?" . Later when I told her that I am going back by the night train, she was very much annoyed and told me that why not I should go back now and immediately  and what was the necessity to come and visit her at all. I knew that it would have been very inconvenient for me and all others at that place if I would have stayed back as there was no enough place for me to stay. She did not talk to me much as she was annoyed and she was also not in her  proper senses.
To day when I recall this and analyse the incident, I regret for my own behaviour and pity on her helpless situation . I do not know as what could have been better for me to do any thing for the person who loved me the most.
After some time when Dewanji,s family was unable to look after any more , she moved to live with our family at Jhalu where she died after some time. What a tragic end of nani. I wonder as what happened to all her belongings in Chandpur. She had no other purpose to live a life except to look after all of us ( myself, Lakshmi, Gultoo, Santosh and Virendra ). We all lived at different times for our education with her when she was healthy and took care of all of us. In return, I do not think that any of us did anything any time for her . She left very heavy debt on us.

Last Lecture by RANDY PAUSCH

A few quotable ideas from the book of  Randy Pausch:

1. Flight attendant 's advice: Put on your Oxygen mask before assisting others.
2. Successful marriage: Needs perfect communication- sensing the needs of each other.
3.Life: If you lead your life the right way, the " KARMA" will take care itself. Dreams will come to you.
4.Selfishness: It is very important to focus on other people, not just yourself ( some people think that you have to care for yourself)
5. A lot of parents do not realize the power of their words.Depending on child's age and sense of self, an off-hand comment from Mom or Dad can feel like a shove from a bulldozer.
 6. Encourage the children to find their way with enthusiasm and passion. 7. Telling Kids: Tell them what they need to know and can understand not the stuff would go over their head.
8.Children's Dreams: Parents should encourage kids to develop a joy for life a great urge to follow their own dreams. The best we can do is to help them develop a personal set of tools for the task.
9. Faith: faith is something very personal. It is better to have some universal principles that apply to all faiths- to share things you know, understand, leaned through your relationships with people. Basic thing is that your thoughts and acts should be in harmony with the universe
10. Relationships: you may them in your place; in the places of your prayers, community ( eg; Piyare Lal Manku; Dr. Jai Krishna etc.)
11. Emotional Insurance: The premiums of emotional insurance would be paid for with time , not money. If you pay your premium at early stage while feeling all good, there will be less weighing on you in the time ahead.
12.Short Cut: the best short cut is long way- the hard work.
 13.CARS: cars are utilitarian devices to get you from point A to point B, not expression of social status. ( you do not need repair things if they still do what they are supposed to do).
 14.Justification: Justification is one of the glues that hold incompletions in place.(wrong things right);It takes a while to unglue your situation. you get energized if you can do unglue your position; remember the past, figure out the deficiencies and complete them. However, there are situations which can never be reversed after the passage of certain time.
15.“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
Read more quotations on: 

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Stories are a part of life, part of learning, part of teaching, part of developing habits, good or bad. Here are some stories for children which are meant to cultivate good habits, good conduct, and good nature in them. Parents and elders are requested to encourage their children to read them, believe them and follow them, and learn from them.
Following links provide lots of good stories for children;
Stories-GeneralMythological Stories
  Animal Stories  Asur Stories
  Children's Stories  Gods Stories
  Educational Stories  Rishi Stories
  Historical Stories  Mahaabhaarat Stories
  Humor Stories  Mythological Stories
  Love Stories 
  Religious Stories 
  Sheikh Chillee Stories

Animal stories:

useful and interesting stories

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

God has His Own Designs

Once God commanded his messenger (an Angel), "Proceed to Delhi immediately. The life of a middle-aged woman is coming to an end. Bring that soul (Jeev) here." The messenger. as bid by the Lord, left for Delhi. On reaching the place, the Angel was stunned at the sight that awaited. There, in an old dilapidated small hut, the Angel saw a poor young woman lying unconscious in a pool of blood. She had given birth to three baby girls only an hour earlier. One child was feeding from its mother while the other two were lying on either side of their mother.
The scene touched the heart of the Angel. Tears welled up the Angel's eyes and the Angel was angry at God for having asked it to take away the life of such a young woman. The Angel thought, "Oh, How could God be so cruel? Unaware of the situation in its entirety, He goes about giving commands. If I obey His command now, what will happen to these baby girls? If the woman's life is spared for another 10 years, these girls will grow up and might be able to support their lives by some means. How could God do this without thinking of these? Oh, I can't take away the life of this woman so mercilessly. I am not concerned about the anger of God that I might incur by disobeying His commands. I AM NOT GOING TO DO THIS." Deciding thus, the angel went empty handed to God.
Angel begged God to spare the life of the lady and add 10 more years to her life. The Lord smiled at the Angel and said, "It is I who have appointed you as the Angel. Your job is to take away the life of the human beings once their lifetime ends. And that's it, I have blessed you with the required skills on my own accord. From your words I gather that you believe yourself to be endowed with more intelligence and compassion than Me, the Supreme Being. You dare to teach me how to manage the world that I have created by my will. You have to suffer the punishment for disobeying my orders. I punish you to lead a life of an ordinary human being in the same city of Delhi. You will remain there until you laugh at yourself twice for your foolish behavior."
And Lo, The next moment the Angel took a human form and was standing in the Delhi Caunnaught circle without appropriate clothes to cover its body. It was the month of January and was bitter cold outside. The angel stood there shivering with cold. A cobbler who was passing by took pity on the Angel, bought clothes and gave them to the shivering Angel. The Angel thanked him and said, "I do not have any place to stay either. I will be very grateful if you give me shelter too." The cobbler said, “Don’t worry! Now that we are friends, you can stay with me at my place. But I warn you, my wife is very short tempered and one cannot prejudge her action when she gets angry. She will not stop from even throwing vessels. If that is ok with you, you can come with me". The Angel nodded and followed the cobbler home.
When the wife of cobbler got to know that he had bought clothes for the Angel with the money meant for buying clothes for her kids, her anger knew no bounds. She started cursing the cobbler and started throwing vessels at them. The Angel was also badly hurt. The Angel laughed at its foolishness for the first time, for ignoring the warning of its friend. From that day, the Angel started helping the cobbler in making sandals. The Angel designed various shoes imitating the ones it had seen in Heaven. The shop soon became very famous for its fabulous and rare shoe designs . Thus, 12 years rolled by.
One day the Angel was standing in front of a cloth store, that it saw a rich old lady getting down from an expensive car. Three beautiful young girls followed her. The Angel noticed that the three of them had a trident shaped mole in their right cheek. The Angel immediately recognized them to be the children of that woman whose life God had ordered it to take away 12 years ago.
The Angel went to the old lady and enquired if those girls were really her children. The old lady replied "Not really. About 12 years back, I was going in my car near Caunnaught circle. that I suddenly happened to hear the cry of kids. I went to the hut from where the cry of the children was heard and found these three baby girls lying with their dead mother. I had lost my husband and had no children. I adopted these three kids legally. I have educated them well and now they are the sole heirs to my entire property."
The angel wad dumb-founded. It thought, "Oh, How very foolish of me to have analyzed the orders of the all-knowing God with my small little brain. If that woman had not died then, would these kids be leading such a happy and rich life now?" And for the second time it laughed at itself for its foolishness.
[God knows what He's doing (for all of us). Only God should bless us with the realization that all that happens to us is by the will of God and it is indeed for our own good.]
This nice story is taken from "