A very strange and interesting experience , I had in April, 1960. I was the student of M.Sc.Previous (Geophysics) and living in Broacha Hostel- special corner room 13A. My room mate was C.D.P.Singh - a student of M.Sc.(Geology)., The life in BHU hostels is very smooth and comfortable with all necessary facilities available. Broacha Hostel had six wings, known as A,B,C,D,E and F blocks. Most of the students of Science faculty lived in this hostel. Each block had a separate warden to facilitate day to day affairs of the students living in that block. Each block had a few messes to provide the catering facilities for Lunch and dinner. Each mess having about 20 members was managed by them and a monitor to look after the mess. There was a central Cafeteria for tea, coffee, tiffin and breakfast etc. even the lunch and dinner was also served with their own menu and price.My warden was Prof. A.K.Bhattacharyya from the Department of Geology.A wonderful , helpful and very caring person.
I was the monitor for the month of March-April, to manage the mess. The quality of the food supplied by our Cook ( known as Maharaj ) was deteriorating every day. All the members were fed up and complaining about. After several warnings, I removed the cook. I never knew the system of hostel management except that we had a Chief warden, Prof Y.R.S.K Sarma, also the warden of B block. I did not know even the role or function of the Chief warden. As a student who will never bother for these things, just be busy with your studies and other activities. The cook reported to Prof Srinivasan, warden of C block and also the in-charge to look after the messes of the hostel. Prof Srinivasan called me and asked me as why should I remove the cook??? I explained him in detail but without understanding our problem, he ordered that if we want to have the mess, we have to have the same cook. I requested him that he should visit our mess and see the quality of the food , he was supplying to us. He rebuked me and asked me not to argue any more.He further reported to the Chief warden that I was arguing with him and misbehaved with him.Prof. YRSK Sarma called me for my explanation and without listening me for any thing told that a disciplinary action would be taken against me for my misbehavior. I did not take it seriously as I never considered this as a matter of concern or grave. Got busy with my studies for coming up examination.
At the end of the month of May, after the examination, I got a letter to appear before an Inquiry Committee to explain about my behaviour with Prof. Srinivasan. Some times , later I came to know as what happened. Chief warden reported the issue to the Dean of the Students , then Prof. S.C.Dasgupta and he then to the University Authorities . University formed the Inquiry Committee:
The INQUIRY Committee: comprised , the Principal of Science College, Prof. Raj Nath, Dean of Science Faculty, Prof. Ram Lochan Singh, Dean of the Students, Prof. S.C.Dasgupta, Chief Proctor, Prof. R.S.Chowdhry , Head of the Dept. of Physics, Prof. Anant Ram Verma. I wonder, they could not find any more members to investigate this silly and petty issue of a graduate student of the prestigious Department of Geophysics. Twelve students are selected on the basis of strict merit in this department. Each student is expected to be very responsible and serious.
When I saw the Board of Inquiry with so many members of those positions sitting in the Science College Office, I was amazed and several questions of why why ...??? came to my mind. This looked me a kind of joke- very funny, a mockery of the system. The deliberations of the Committee were still the worst and funny. No body wanted to listen my point of view or any kind of explanation. Only question they had that why I insulted the Prof. Srinivasan and rest of all the statements or funny statements were among themselves ( just one to mention here; Prof Dasgupta said, " Dr. Rajnath that this boy is from your Department" Dr Rajnath replied " Do you think that he is learning these things from me " ) . A few minutes and it was all over , wasting their valuable time . I never thought such kind of deliberations, Board of Inquiry etc. within an academic Institute of this size and type like BHU. for such a petty matter ; I came out and laughed at myself and did not take it seriously.
Before, I left my hostel for summer vacation after my examination, I got the verdict from the University Office:
1. My parents would be informed about the incident,
2.I must write a letter of apology for the incident,
3. I am expelled from all the BHU hostels with immediate effect.
4. I should pay Rs.50/- as fine to the University.
5.It is understood that all the privileges of any scholarship, fee concession etc. would automatically would be withdrawn.
I never imagined this kind of consequences and multiple punishments for no fault of mine.
For all these years , I have been thinking about this incident , told to my friends and other well wishers and they all laughed at it.
Well, I went away on my vacation and forgot about it. When I came back, I noticed that it was serious matter to stay away from the campus and study for my final examination.Well, another funny incident to mention here about the meanness of the Chief warden, YRSK. When he found me sitting with my classmate , Mr, M.L.Gupta in his room. He warned me for further consequences and ML Gupta that if he provided me shelter, he would also be expelled from the hostel; How funny and mean on the part of an academic.....
Well, I found a room in Kailash Lodge in Lanka, outside the BHU campus, not very far from it. Mr. Guha , my another classmate joined me in that room. I do not remember as how and why, he was expelled from the BHU hostels. Kailash Lodge and especially our room was very big and comfortable; had an open terrace towards the market of Lanka. Kailash Lodge had all the basic facilities of a hostel.Absolutely no problem. I purchased a bicycle to commute to the University. But, still problem of loosing Rs.150/- pm scholarship because of the punishment clause of the University , if punished for any thing, loose all the benefits and privileges including the scholarship. That means that unless the whole process of the punishment is reversed , it was not possible. Cashier will not accept the fees unless I pay the fine and if I pay the fine, a punishment is already imposed. I am unable to pay my tuition fees and scholarship is already stopped.
Reversal Process;
I worked out the strategy to get back to the University Hostel and get reversed the verdict of the Inquiry Committee;
1. I wrote a letter of withdrawal from the course to my Head of the Department ( which was not easy for the University Authorities , Geophysics being a special course supported by the Government of India ) mentioning that staying outside of the university would not be suitable for my studies and I may loose my rank etc. ( though some students like A.K.Ghosh, BB Bhatacharyya were living only outside ); My letter was supported by the Warden of Kailash Lodge with good moral and character and behaviour ; got convinced HOD ; Prof. Rajnath as HOD and Principal of Science College ( just to mention here that he was my mentor also; I was there in the Department only because of him ) wrote a strong recommendation that I should be given a seat in BHU hostel to carry out my studies smoothly for my final examination. With this letter, I have to visit , Dean of the Science Faculty, Prof, R,L Singh, Chief Proctor, Prof RS Chowdhary and the Dean of the students, Prof Dasgupta; not in their offices but at their residences, requesting them very humbly, innocently; they all recognized me, laughed at me and several visits to them, they finally endorsed the recommendation; With final recommendation and order by Dean of the students , Prof Dasgupta said " I am putting under the control of a very strict warden of Dhanrajgiri Hostel-( Hostel meant for Mining and Metallurgy Engineering students ), Prof Bhattacharyya is very strict ".Thanks and thanks to all.
With that letter, I visited the Warden of Dhanrajgiri Hostel who knowing nothing of the background of the case, logically and sympathetically told me that I would be misfit in this hostel, I should go to another hostel ( Aiyer Hostel) next to Broacha hostel and nearer to my own classmates etc. though just a new hostel, I would be the first person to enter the hostel and immediately, there wont be any catering facilities. On the contrary of the statement of Prof Dasgupta, I found Prof Bhattacharrya to be wonderfully nice person.
I entered the NEW HOSTEL with all new furniture and excellent facilities of Bathroom and canteen etc. A reward in disguise. slowly, more students joined me in the hostel and it was full with the students. My immediate neighbour was Mr. Jain, a student of Ceramics Engineering from Ferozabad; and S. Guha, my classmate and recent room mate in Kailash lodge ( He automatically got his seat in the hostel once I got in ). My stay in this hostel was very comfortable.
Once I settled down in the hostel, I requested that with the current development, I should be pardoned of Rs.50/-fine imposed on me; it was done with due recommendations and with that all the punishments were reversed and I got my unpaid Stipend retrospectively .
When, I see the whole process, actions and decisions in an academic Institution like BHU, it looks funny but any way organizations are run by human beings only . Great experience of meeting varied and critical situations, solving the problems related to them, meeting authorities of BHU, knowing them and with some establishing my personal relationship.