कभी कभी , कल्पना तथा विचारों में खो जाता हूँ ! पुराना समय स्मरण हो जाता है !
कल सोच रहा था कि १९६१ से १९७३ तक, १२ वर्षों में ,मैं ONGC में, उस समय के अनुसार उचित पद पर उचित वेतन पर कार्य करता था! इस बीच में,मैं देहरादून, मद्रास, करैकाल, बरोदा, जोधपुर आदि कई स्थानों पर रह कर कार्य करता था! कभी विचार नहीं आया कि माता पित्ता को भी वोह सब स्थान कियों नहीं घुमा दिए ! कभी भी, कहीं से , कुत्छ भी नहीं लाया उनके लिए! एक पाजामा, एक, कमीज या कोइ अन्य वस्तु - कुत्छ भी नहीं लाया, कुत्छ भी नहीं दिया, कुत्छ भी नहीं किया उनके लिए ! पिता जी के लिए केवल , उनके अंतिम समय में ( कियोंके उनके पास वोह भी नहीं थे ) दो बनयान, अस्पताल में, ले कर आया ! दुर्भाग्य है , सब कुत्छ होते हुवे भी कुत्छ नहीं कर पाया! आज, बहुत खेद होता है!
इस खेद का का कुत्छ उपचार , निदान हो सकता है??
स्म्भाव्ते नहीं, सब कार्य अपने समय से होते हैं!
one could easily give some excuses of having limited means, money and housing etc. but when other things in day to day life are managed , why not this could also be accomodated. It is a matter of attitude, emotional intelligence at that particular time or period. It simply does not occur to us to think in that direction.
I can think of main reasons for such kind of situation :
During the age 25-50 years- known as Grahast Ashram, individuals are busy and focused in SELF DEVELOPMENT; career development ; most important in life for sustaining and living a comfortable life ; family development; a natural process designed by God to protect HIS creation- most important responsibility and duty from social, religious and all othe points of view. One has to look after the welfare and development of children so that they can perform the best in their Brahamcharya Ashram to stand in llife independently. In this process of self development , individuals are so much involved that they can not think of other obligations for the family or the society. Though, one is not supposed to do much for the society during this period ( from the age 50-75, we have Van Prasath Ashram to meet these obligations) but one must think a litttle bit of parents especially if they need our support and help. They have done all that for us what we have been doing or wish to do for our children; Our parents must have expected some thing from us as we do from our children.
In fact, we must analyse and assess/ evaluate at time to time at every stage in our life as what are we supposed for the individuals - family members, friends and others in the society around
us. We have certain obligations yet to be met.
I have written some of my regrets in earlier blog also;https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blogger.g?blogID=7434278182063497637#editor/target=post;postID=7011055118277005336;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname
us. We have certain obligations yet to be met.
I have written some of my regrets in earlier blog also;https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blogger.g?blogID=7434278182063497637#editor/target=post;postID=7011055118277005336;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname
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