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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

जाट मरा जब जानिये जब तेहरी तीजा होए ; एक रोचक प्रसंग

झालू के पास एक गाँव है, त्रिलोकपुर ! वाहं , मेरे एक शुभ चिंतक रहते थे  जो मेरे बचपन से ही मेरे साथी थे , मेरी देख रेख भी करते थे ! मुझसे , उन्हें बहुत लगाओ था ! यदा कदा , मुझ से मिलने आते रहते थे ! जाट परिवार से थे ! अकेले थे, उनका विवाह नहीं हुवा था , या उन्होंने , किसि कारण वश किया नहीं था! सभी लोग उन्हें ऋषि कहते थे ! जब भी उनको पता चलता कि  मैं  , छुट्टी  में घर आया हूँ ,  गाँव से मुझसे मिलने झालू आ  जाते , दूध, फल, मेरे पसंद की सब्जी आदि भी लेकर आते ! मेरी कुशलता के पश्चात गप शप मारते ! मैं, वाराणसी से , BHU  से  Bsc. के पश्चात घर पर ही रह रहा था! एक दिन मैंने , गाँव में बोला जाने वाली यह प्रसिद्ध  कहावत  "  जाट मरा जब जानिये जब तेहरी तीजा होए  "  का अर्थ, ऋषी जी से पूछ लिया ! ऋषि  जी, तपाक से उठे और बोले, " ना, ना, जाट का कोई भरोसा नहीं , वोह तो  तेहरी तीजे के बाद भी उठ कर आ सकता है ! " कुत्छ विराम, तथा हंसी,  मजाक के बाद, उन्होंने यह कहानी सुना दी !
रात्रि  में, लोमड़ी,  गीदड़ , आदि जानवरों  को खेतों से बचाने, भगाने के लिए , किसान लोग, खेत में एक मचान बना लेते थे !  वहां  बैठकर , रात्री में वोह लोग जानवरों को भगा कर, अपने खेतों की निगरानी तथा रक्षा करते थे ! एक रात को, एक जाट, ऐसे ही , मचान पर  बैठ कर  अपने  खेत की देख भाल कर रहा था ! कुत्छ रात  गुजरी होगी , कि उधर से एक साधू  महाराज आगये  और उन्होंने किसान से रात को उसी के साथ रुक कर विश्राम करने की इच्छा प्रगत की ! रात्री का समय देखते हुए उसने उनको वहां रुक कर विश्राम करने  के प्रस्ताव को उचित  समझा ! साधू जी , थके हुए थे, कुत्छ ही देर के बाद गहरी निद्रा में  सो गए ! किसान, अपनी दैनिक कार्येक्रम के अनुसार जगता  रहा ! अकस्मात , उसकी चीलम की चिंगारी से मचान में आग लग गए ! मचान पुरी तरेह से जल गयी , और  सारे पिर्यासों के बाद भी, वोह साधू बाबा को नहीं बचा पाया, बाबा,  वहीं जल कर भस्म हो गए ! बड़ी दुविधा में पड़ा  चोधरी  सोच सोच कर परेशान था कि अब किया करना चाहिए ! सुभाह होते, होते, गाँव के सब लोग आ जाएँगे , ब्रह्म हत्या  का दोष लगेगा ! उधर पुलिस उसको हत्या के मामले में जेल में बंद कर देगी ! उसने उचित समझा कि वोह  वहां से भाग जाये ! गाँव वाले आएंगे , भस्म हुए शरीर को देखेंगे , तो सोच लेंगे  कि रात को खेत की रखवाली करने वाला किसान जल कर मर गया है ! वोह वहां से भाग गया और दूर कहीं छुप  कर रहेने लगा ! उधर , गाँव वाले  आये, देखा कि मचान जली हुई है तथा  जले हुए शरीर को पहचान नहीं सकते ! अत  , गाँव वाले वापिस चले गए , घर वालों ने उसका अंतिम संस्कार कर दिया ! तेहरी, तीजा, सब हो गया !
समय गुजरता गया , गाँव वाले इस घटना को भूल गए, घर वाले, जाट को भूल गए! जाट, कुत्छ समय के पश्चात , अपने घर वालों से मिलने के लिए बेचैन होने लगा ! वह एक रात को  अँधेरे  में छुपता, छुपाते , अपने घर आया ! घर वालों को पुकारा, उन्होंने जब उसको देखा तो " भूत, भूत " चिल्लाने लगे ! वह वहां से भाग गया, कई बार कोशिश करते करते, एक दिन वह , घर वालों  को समझाने में सफल हो गया   कि असली  मामला किया था ! कुत्छ दिन वह घर आता रहा , जाता रहा, फिर साहस के उसने गाँव वालों को भी असली घटना के बारे में बता दिया और उन्हें भी यकीन दिला दिया कि वह जीवित है ! उसके बाद से वह गाँव में, अपने परिवार के साथ पहले  की भांती रहने लगा
ऋषि जी ने यह कहानी सुनकर फिर कहा, समझ  आया कि जाट मरने के बाद भी  जरूरी  नही कि मर ही जाये !

Friday, September 21, 2018

Har Prasad ji : Baba ji, Dadi ji (BOBO)

In my another blog, I have written the history of my family giving all the facts, I could know from my elders;;postID=3162980977026679503;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=postname

In that blog, I wrote in short about one of my gradfather,s younger brother - youngest brother as following:

Shri Har Prasad Vaish , the youngest of grandfather,s  brother lived in Muzaffarnagar as his wife, Dadi ji  ( popularly known as BOBO) from Dadri was the only child of her parents and she inherited property in Muzaffarnagar. Baba ji was educated, high school , used to speak good English ( how and where was he educated ????); He was a civil contractor; both Dadi ji and Babaji were excellent persons and very social , affectionate and caring people. They were quite visible all over during all the occasions/celebrations  of the family.They had three daughters=Indira ji, Kamla ji and Ramla ji; Indira Buwa ji was married to an engineer, Shri Jai Prakash Agrawal , son of shri (Master) Ram Nivas ji in Bijnor, later settled in Jabalpur. Ramla ji and Kamla ji also settled in Muzaffarnagar after the death of Babaji. He was great man and we have yet to see a person of his style in our family. I have several memories of my own experience with him. I will write them somewhere else.  It is time  now to write some thing about them:

Both of them were excellent persons with all standards. They were most visible persons not only in our family but among all their relations and friends. They were the persons who will take responsibilty by themselves;
1. Dadi jee will be the first person to arrive in all our social functions be it a marriage ceremony, or naming ceremony. She will take responsibility that all the guests are properly served at all the occasions- breakfast, lunch, dinner, milk for the children, their comfort and every thing , no body to blame the main host for any deficiencies and they were not there under her command and control; Her voice was heard every where.She was able and capable managing these affairs perfectly well ; and she was very strong link and coordinator in establishing the relationships among all the family members.
2. My younger brother Santosh had problem getting admission in M.Sc. (Chemistry) with the combination of Geology, Geography and Chemistry in B.Sc. as Agra University did not recognize this combination for M.Sc. Admission. When I failed to do anything in DehraDun and elsewhere, I casually mentioned to Dadi jee about it as I knew that she has lot of influence in Muzaffar Nagar. She immediately accepted the responsibilty and contacted the relevent people connected to College management. Management forced the Principal to admit him out of way and make an acceptable precedence for the University. Santosh stayed comfortably with her for a year during his M.Sc. previous before moving to DehraDun for final year. Commendable, what Santosh is to day with his M.Sc. degree in Chemistry, it is due to her efforts..
3, I do remember another incident when I took admission in first year of Intermediate in DAV College, DehraDun. He of his own initiative visited me in DehraDun and asked about the details of my study programme; discussed at length the prons and cons for the combination I had ( Biology group; Chemistry, Zoology and Botany  ) ; went to the Principal and asked him to change it to Chemistry, Physics and Maths without asking me or my parents. He used his own authority . Who can take such kind of step these days even for his own children? He was a good advisor and councellor .That was the kind of responsibilty and authority , people used to take then. relations were very informal and cordial ; I remember, I used to go and stay with them in Muzaffarnager  without any hasitation. or inhibition. Whole family was very affectionate and caring.
4. My M.Sc. education in BHU was partly financed by Babajee very informally and willingly. The help was offered by him not that we requested him to do so. Of course, I very gratefully tried to refund the whole amount he paid when I got my job with ONGC.
5. On the occasion of  matrimonial engagement, Dadi jee could not come to join my family. She sent Ramla Buwa jee to accompant the family to Aligarh ;
Both of them were most respected persons by all our family members.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Regret; खेद, ; my younger brother

One of my younger brother is left behind all of us for whatever reasons.
At time, I wondered as how he is going to manage his day to day affair when he took voluntary retirement from a dying corporation. He must have got some savings, some money in his CFP and other benefits etc. but that money will loose its value in future and making it worthless. Not that it will loose its value, even that will not be enough. One can see it now as the value of money in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and now simply paper.
I was worried about his old age when he will need more resources for the health problems which are bound to come to all of us. Medical expenses for medicines, medical procedures in hospitals and time to time check ups are huge and they would not be covered by the corporation which is already dead, not existing at all.
For the children, son and daughter , it is not easy to support the parents from their limited income and means and managing the affairs of their own families. They can support their parents only if they have health coverage for their parents from their employers.
During 1970s , I had good relationships with the management of ONGC , even later after I left ONGC, I had very good contacts ( even some of my colleagues became the part of management), I could have easily fixed him  in some job/position according to his qualifications and experience . The main advantage could have been the medical support for his family for the rest of his life- a big relief.
Just like many other things, it never occured to me to act in that direction and I add another regret in the list of my regrets of life.
In a previous blog, I wrote regret not doing any thing for my parents;;postID=3648407691673034737;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname

Friday, September 14, 2018

Scary moment: Flood in CHHOEYA River

बचपन की कुत्छ और पुरानी यादों में से यह घटना भी श्रावणी के अवसर पर गंगा स्नान तथा पूजा करने की है ! प्रितीयेक वर्ष की भांति , एक और किसि वर्ष , हम ( बाबाजी, दादी जी और मैं )  , दारानगर  गंज  गए थे ! पूजा पाठ , स्नान  आदि से  निपट के पश्चात , लगभग एक बजे  भोजन किया था ! हर साल की भांति  , दादी जी , आलू  , पूरी , अचार के साथ स्वदिस्थ  भोजन लाती थीं ! घर वापिस आने की तय्यारी कर रहे थे कि वर्षा  प्रारम्भ  हो  गयी ! वर्षा का वेग बढ़ता ही गया ! प्रितिक्षा करते रहे  कि वर्षा कम हो तो घर वापिस चलें ! वर्षा तो कम होने का नाम ही नहीं ले रही थी , वोह तो बढती ही जा रही थी! विचार किया, बाबा जी ने कहा कि शाम होने से पहले  पहले निकल लेना उचित होगा ! येहां कोइ रहने का प्रबंध नहीं है अतह वर्षा में भीगते हुए ही हम लोग घर के लिए वापिस चल दिए ! गंज से, सिकन्दरपुर, रेहरुँवा ,गंदासपुर , होते हुए ,  चोव्न्क्पुरी  होते हुए घर जाना होता है ! येही बेलगाडी का उस समय , सब से उचित मार्ग  था ! गंदासपुर से आधा मील दूर गए थे कि छोएया नदी आ गयी ! भरी वर्षा के कारण , नदी तो पूरे उफान पर थी ! गढ़  गधगढ़ात के साथ, छोएये में अतियाधिक पानी , अतियाधिक गती से बहता जा रहा था !  कुत्छ देर प्रितिक्षा की ! शाम तो ढलती जा रही थी, रात्री का अन्धेरा आता जा रहा था! यही नदी जब प्रातः में आये थे तो सुखी पड़ी थी !
छोएया नदी बरसाती नदी है , जो यदि वर्षा ना हो तो लग भग खाली /सुखी ही रहती है! अधिक वर्षा के कारण, विशेषकर, यदि , गढ़वाल  ( हिमालया  के  पहाड़ का भाग)  में अधिक वर्षा हो जाये तो फिर छोएये में पानी आ जाता है! वहीं से छोएये का उद्गम है , और बिजनोर जिले में, उत्तर  से दक्षिण की ओंर  बहते हुए यह  रसूल भंवर अह्त्म्ली  के पास गंगा जी में मिल जाता है ! छोर्ये  पर  बड़े बड़े मार्गों पर तो छोटे पुल हैं परन्तु , छोटे छोटे रास्तों में कोई पुल या पुलिया नहीं है ! साधारण दिनों में सभी ऐसे ही नदी से हो कर चले जाते हैं!
अब तो रात लग भग हो ही चुकी थी, छोएया को पार करना असम्भव था !  सुखन  सिंह,  हमारी गाडी वाला तो छोयेया पार करने के लिए ही कहता रहा , परन्तु  , बाबा जी ने  निर्नियेय  लिया  कि वापिस चला जाये और गंदासपुर  में रात्री में विश्राम किया जाये ! गंदासपुर आ गये ,  हमारे किसान भाई भी बहुत खुश थे कि उन्हें , भगत जी ( बाबा जी को उनके किसान , भ्क्त्जी ही कह  कर स्म्भोतित  करते थे! ), की सेवा का अवसर मिलेगा !

सब ने मिल कर  हमारे  खाने, पीने , रात्री में सोने आदि का अपनी और से स्र्वौत्त्म  प्रभंध  किया ! मुझे तो  वहां
बहुत अछा लगा ! वर्षा तो रात भर होती ही रही ! गंदासपुर तथा उस रेहेनेवाले स्थान का वर्णन करूं तो एक और कहानी बन  जायेगी ! वहां का वातावरण , भीनी भीनी खुशबू ,  पशुओं  की  आवाजें , आदि, आदि ! घर कच्चे थे परन्तु बड़े बड़े और साफ़ सुथरे थे !
यदि हम लोगों ने नदी पार का प्रियस किया होता तो समभ्त , यह ब्लॉग लिखने का अवसर न मिलता, छोएया , हम को , गंगाजी में विलीन कर देता ! यह सोच कर तथा उस घटना को सोच कर भी , आज भी भय भीत हो जाता हूँ! भगवान, स्वम् , उचित मार्ग दिखा कर हमारी रक्षा करते हैं ! 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

EMOTIONAL MOMENTS with my youngest brother: Krishna Mohan Lal Garg

It was 2002 when we ( myself, Sameer and Sapna ) visited India; After visiting several places, Sameer went back to USA from Hyderabad via Bombay; Myself and Sapna , after visiting a few more places, came to visit my youngest brother and his family in DehraDun. In short, I used to call him MOHAN.
After staying a few days with them, we also came to USA. Our friend, PNMathur , Madhu-, Pradeep,,s wife ( very affectionate person) came to see us off at DehraDun Railway station. Train was to leave for Delhi, Mohan hugged me very strongly and started crying aloud as we were departing for ever. It was a great emotional moment for us. It became even more special when he left / departed in real after a few months. Whenever I think about that moment, I become very sad. Perhaps Mohan  had premonition that we are departing for ever. शायद  उसको  आभास होगेया था कि भाविशिये  में , अब, भेंट नहीं होगी! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


हमारे परिवार की परम्परा के अनुसार, हम लोग रक्षा बंधन का पर्व  नहीं मानते हैं ! प्र्तियेक वर्ष , बाबाजी, श्रावणी की पूजा के लिए दारानगर गंज जाते थे ! बेलगाडी से, मैं, दादीजी  और बाबा जी शीघ्र सवेरे ही गंज की यात्रा पर निकल जाते थे ! वहां जाकर गंगास्नान करते , फिर बाबा जी, अन्य  लोगों के साथ पूजा , हवन आदि करते थे! काफी लोग, विभिन, विभिन, स्थानों से श्रावणी पूजन के लिए यहाँ आते थे ! सभी लोग, गांगजी में खड़े होकर अपने अपने यज्ञोपवीत बदलते थे !
सावन का महीना  , गंगाजी तो अपने पूरे उफान पर होती हैं ! अत्येअधिक जल तथा  गति के साथ बहती हैं ! दुसरा छोर भी दिखाई नहीं देता है ! चारों  ओंर  जल ही जल दिखाई पड़ता है ! गंगाजी के किनारे अछे पक्के घाट बने हुए हैं ! सुरक्षा के लिए घाटों में कुत्छ सीढ़ियों के बाद , एक मजबूत ज़ंजीर भी डाल कर रखते हैं ! घाटों के दोनों और पक्के पुखते होते हैं , जिस से घाट पर जल का प्रवाह कुत्छ कम हो जाता है और उन्ही पुख्तों में  जंजीर भी बाँध देते हैं!
कुत्छ स्थानीय युवक गंगाजी में स्नान करने आते हैं, इस बार भी, काफी युवक  आये थे ! यह युवक , उन पुख्तों से कूद कूद कर गंगा जी में तैर  कर कुत्छ दूर जाते, फिर पास ही से वापिस आ कर , कूदना, तैरना, निकलना करते ही रहते थे ! बड़ा अछा लगता था, इच्छा होती की मैं भी  ऐसा करूं, जब यह कर सकते हैं तो मैं  कियों नहीं कर सकता ?
मैं  छोटा ही रहा होंगा लग भग १० वर्ष का ! कई बार पुखते पर गया , मन करता कि मैं भी कूद कर यही आनंद लूं जो यह युवक ले रहे हैं! किसी अन्तेह कर्ण की प्रेरणा से बस नहीं कूदा ! बच गया, कंही, कूद गया होता तो, पास में भंवर भी, था, मुझे तो तैरना भी नहीं आता था ! अभी भी तैरना नहीं आता! अब कभी सोचता हूँ , क्लोन करता हूँ उस समय की इस घटना की तो, बस भगवान में विश्वास और बढ़ जाता है कि
उनकी प्रेरणा से  मैं नहीं  कूदा ! God takes care of every one especially the children who are ignorant of certain actions and their results.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

EMOTIONAL Moment; Going to Nigeria

In another blog, I wrote another emtional moment of my parents.;postID=8585261243208826873;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=postname

December 1976, I wound up my job with ONGC and my living from DehraDun. For winding up process, I was so busy and things were messed up that I could not call my mother to stay with us for some time. While going by train from DehraDun to Delhi to join my job in Nigeria, my mother came to see us at JWALAPUR railway station  ( she was living with my younger brother- Lakshmi Narain in Jwalapur that time ; perhaps, he was working in BHEL for HSCL ).
My mother was almost crying like a cow separated from  her calf. The train was moving and she was going along with it. It was very emotional event for me. It always remain in my memory.

Regret : पश्चाताप

कभी कभी , कल्पना तथा विचारों में  खो जाता हूँ !  पुराना समय  स्मरण हो जाता है ! 
कल सोच रहा था कि १९६१ से १९७३ तक, १२ वर्षों में ,मैं ONGC में, उस समय के अनुसार उचित पद पर उचित वेतन पर कार्य करता था! इस बीच में,मैं  देहरादून, मद्रास, करैकाल, बरोदा, जोधपुर आदि कई स्थानों पर रह कर कार्य करता था! कभी विचार नहीं आया  कि माता पित्ता को भी वोह सब स्थान कियों नहीं घुमा दिए ! कभी भी, कहीं से , कुत्छ भी नहीं लाया उनके लिए! एक पाजामा, एक, कमीज या कोइ अन्य वस्तु - कुत्छ भी नहीं लाया, कुत्छ भी नहीं दिया, कुत्छ भी नहीं किया उनके लिए ! पिता जी के लिए केवल , उनके अंतिम समय में  ( कियोंके  उनके पास वोह भी नहीं थे ) दो बनयान, अस्पताल में, ले कर आया ! दुर्भाग्य  है , सब कुत्छ होते हुवे भी कुत्छ नहीं कर पाया! आज, बहुत खेद होता है!
इस खेद का का कुत्छ उपचार , निदान हो सकता है?? 
स्म्भाव्ते नहीं, सब    कार्य  अपने  समय से होते हैं! 
one could easily give some excuses of having limited means, money and housing etc. but when other things in day to day life are managed , why not this could also be accomodated. It is a matter of attitude, emotional intelligence at that particular time or period. It simply does not occur to us to think in that direction.
I can think of  main reasons for such kind of situation :
During the age 25-50 years- known as Grahast Ashram, individuals are busy and focused in SELF DEVELOPMENT; career development ; most important in life for sustaining and living a comfortable life ; family development; a natural process designed by God to protect HIS creation- most important responsibility and duty from social, religious and all othe points of view. One has to look after the welfare and development of children so that they can  perform the best in their Brahamcharya Ashram to stand in llife independently. In this process of self development , individuals are so much involved that they can not think of other obligations  for the family or the society. Though, one is not supposed to do much for the society during this period ( from the age 50-75, we have Van Prasath Ashram to meet these obligations)  but one must think a litttle bit of parents especially if they need our support and help. They have done all that for us what we have been doing or wish to do for our children; Our parents must have expected some thing from us as we do from our children.
In fact, we must analyse and assess/ evaluate at time to time at every stage in our life  as what are we supposed  for the individuals - family members, friends and others in the society around
us. We have certain obligations yet to be met.

I have written some of my regrets in earlier blog also;;postID=7011055118277005336;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=6;src=postname

Monday, September 10, 2018

Ganesh Jee and Chandramaa (Moon); गणेश चौथ को चन्द्रमा कियों नहीं देखते

Ganesh Jee and Chandramaa (Moon); About Ganesh jee, follow following link;

Once Paarvatee Jee prepared 21 types of delicious food on one of Ganesh Jee's birthdays. Ganesh Jee ate that food to the content of his heart and came out to take a round of the Universe riding on his mouse that he came to Chandra Lok - Moon's kingdom. Moon was very proud of his beauty. So seeing the big bellied Ganesh riding on a little mouse, Moon laughed at him.
This was a great insult to Ganesh Jee, so he was very angry with Moon. He gave a Shaap to him - "You are very proud of your beauty. I am being worshipped first all over the world but because of your beauty you laughed at me. This is my Shaap to you that whoever will see you on the 4th day of the Krishn Paksh of Bhaadrapad month, on my birthday, he will suffer because of unjust accusations."
The Shaap shattered the pride of the Moon and he asked for his forgiveness and prayed to take back his Shaap. Ganesh Jee got calmed down and said - "My purpose was only to shatter your pride. My purpose is served. Although my Shaap cannot go in vain, but I assure you that those people will regain their good name after seeing you on the 2nd day of the Shukla Paksh, or by listening to the story of Syaamantak Mani (gem)." The Moon got satisfied.
Read more on;

Sunday, September 9, 2018

GANESH jee: गणेश जी

Sushma Gupta on her website on the following link has given vital details about Ganesh that any one would like to know

Thursday, September 6, 2018

DURVASA RISHI; दुर्वासा ऋषि/मुनि

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 04:40 PM PDT
Biographical details are given on following sites;




Durvasha Muni is very well known for his anger and curses. He has given curses on many occasions to many saints, devtas , Gods and Goddesses : out of many, here , we will discuss a few;

1) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Saagar Manthan - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Indra
(2) Durvaasaa Muni's anger made Saamb a leper - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Saamb
(3) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Raam to go to His Param Dhaam - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Lakshman
(4) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Krishn to go to His Param Dhaam in the way He did - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Krishn
(5) There was a King named Sahastraaksh who was also cursed by Durvaasaa Muni to become a Raakshas - Trinaavart.
6. Curse to Apsra VAPU,
7. Curse to Devi SARSWATI,
8. Curse to SHAKUNTALA ( daughter of Braham Rishi Vishwamitra and MENKA)
9. Curse to Rukmani
10. Curse to Lord Shiv/ Mahadev ,
11. Curse to the mother of Hanuman,
12 Curse to Lord Vishnu   
13 Curse to Pandavas 
14. Curse to Ganga 
Here is story of another curse of Durvasa Muni:

Durvaasaa Muni and Saamb
Saamb was Krishn's son from Jaambvatee. He was cursed by Durvaasaa Muni twice.
(1) Once Muni Durvaasaa came to Dwaarakaa wandering around the world. But seeing his lean body with yellow eyes, Saamb started copying his style. Considering that "Saamb is proud of his beauty and youth", he got angry and he cursed him - "You have made a mockery of my ugliness considering yourself handsome, you will become a leper soon." Soon he became a leper.
Therefore no one should insult any Devtaa, Guru or Braahman. Vishnu has said two Shlok in this regard - "Who is dutiful, who has won his fame and anger, is learned and polite, doesn't make other sad, is satisfied with his own wife, leaves other women, there is no fear for such a person in the world. Moon, water, sandal, cool shade do not give such pleasure to a man as sweet words give." Later he worshipped Soorya Bhagavaan on the advice of his father Krishn and regained his health. Then he inhabited Saambpur on his name and established Soorya there. [Bhavishya Puraan, 1/14]
(2) Although this story has been attributed to Durvaasaa Muni, but in Mahaabhaarat, his name has not been given exclusively, only Braahman term is stated. The story goes like this - once many Rishi were staying near Prabhaas Kshetra. Once some Yaadav princes came there and they thought to play with them. So one prince dressed Saamb as a woman and took him to the Rishi and asked them - "You know everything. This woman is pregnant and wishes to know whether she would give birth a son or a daughter." As Rishi saw the woman, they understood everything, so Durvaasaa Muni said - "She will give birth to a Moosal (pestle) which will become the cause of the destruction of the Yaadav Vansh." Hearing this princes got frightened and they rushed to Dwaarakaa and told everything to Ugrasen Jee. Ugrasen Jee got very worried as he knew that Rishi do not tell lies.
Saamb did give birth to a Moosal. Since nothing could be done then, so Ugrasen ordered to grind that iron Moosal and throw the powder in the sea. The Moosal was ground but still a small iron piece remained unground. It was also thrown into the sea. Later that iron powder was grown as grass and that iron piece was recovered by a fisherman who sold it to a maker of arrows. He put it on the tip of his arrow and killed Krishn with that. The grass was used by Yaadav to kill each other. Thus according to Durvaasaa Muni's Shap that Moosal became the cause of the destruction of the whole Yadu Vansh. [MBH, G-7-Postwar/31]

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

DURVASA RISHI; दुर्वासा ऋषि/मुनि

Biographical details are given on following sites;




Durvasha Muni is very well known for his anger and curses. He has given curses on many occasions to many saints, devtas , Gods and Goddesses : out of many, here , we will discuss a few;

1) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Saagar Manthan - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Indra
(2) Durvaasaa Muni's anger made Saamb a leper - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Saamb
(3) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Raam to go to His Param Dhaam - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Lakshman
(4) Durvaasaa Muni's anger caused Krishn to go to His Param Dhaam in the way He did - Read Durvaasaa Muni and Krishn
(5) There was a King named Sahastraaksh who was also cursed by Durvaasaa Muni to become a Raakshas - Trinaavart.
6. Curse to Apsra VAPU,
7. Curse to Devi SARSWATI,
8. Curse to SHAKUNTALA ( daughter of Braham Rishi Vishwamitra and MENKA)
9. Curse to Rukmani
10. Curse to Lord Shiv/ Mahadev ,
11. Curse to the mother of Hanuman,
12 Curse to Lord Vishnu   
13 Curse to Pandavas 
14. Curse to Ganga 

Here, we discuss:
1.Durvaasaa Muni and Indra
[A similar story is given here  Ganesh's Head]
This story comes in Vishnu Puraan, 1/2 (and in Padm Puraan, 5/37 too). Once Indra was going somewhere riding on his Airaavat elephant. Durvaasaa Muni was coming from opposite side from Bhagavaan's court. He had a flower garland in his hand. Considering Indra the Swaamee of Tri-Lok he thought that this garland would be appropriate for Indra as Prasaad. So he threw that garland on coming Indra. Indra didn't care for it and he threw it on Airaavat's head, and Airaavat picked it from his head, threw it on the ground and crushed it under his feet.
Seeing the insult of this Prasaad, Durvaasaa Muni got very furious and he gave Shaap to Indra: "You will loose all your wealth, grace and kingdom very soon." and went away. Soon Indra was attacked by Daitya Raaj Bali and lost everything. [Read Saagar Manthan story to read what happened after this]


Please read this interesting information: ( I got the story from a friend )
INDIAN President Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma visited Muscat on official trip - when AI flight landed  three rare incidents happened 
1. Oman King never visits airport to receive dignitaries of any country - never . But the Oman king came to airport to receive the President!!
2. When the flight landed the Oman King climbed up the steps and received the President from his seat .
3 . After alighting the flight there was a Chauffeur driven car waiting for the President. But the King signed off the driver to move and he himself drove the car with  President to his suite.
Later when reporters questioned the King why he broke so many protocols?
The King replied “I did not go to the airport to receive Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma because he was the President of India. I studied in India and learnt many things.  When I was studying in PUNE , Mr. Sharma was my Professor - that is why I did this“ !
_*That is the power of being a teacher_
Happy Teacher's Day wishes and salutations to the rare community of Teachers who have made a difference in our lives!!!
A TEACHER IN KADUNA, Nigeria; ( The story was all over in Nigeria during those days)
There is another story of almost similar theme; in 1980s, there were ample and better opportunities of teaching jobs in Nigeria. There was an exodus of teachers from Ethiopia to Nigeria. During that period a teacher came from Asmara to Kaduna looking for a teaching job. Unfortunately either because of his subject of teaching or he was late in finding/applying the jobs , he could not get one. Frustrated and disappointed , he was walking on the sidewalks of Kaduna main road , preparing to return back to Ethiopia. He heard the sound of the sirens and was trying to be on the side of the road. This kind of siren and patrol of police etc. is normally follow when some VIP is passing through.
All of a sudden a VIP car started approaching Mr.Chacko ( given name to the teacher from Ethiopia). He was frightened as something is wrong with him or as he has committed some crime. The VIP gentleman approached him and asked him if he is Mr Chacko, got further more fearful, and humbly told , recognizing him as some VIP, " yes Sir ". The VIP gave him a loud military salute. with some formal conversation, he took him in his own car, brought him to his office , cancelling the day,s engagement for which he was going. He was military Governor of Kaduna ( during military rule in Nigeria, state governors are military officers , and they are like Chief Ministers of the State). He then told very respectfully , that he was his student in Military Academy, Asmara in Ethiopia , a few years back. Mr. Chacko could not recognize him in his military outfit and as VIP but his student. The governor arranged him a job of his choice and the government guest house to stay as long as he wishes to be there.
1. Very normal for Nigerian students, they have very high regards for their teachers and they feel ever obliged;
2. DESTINY- a frustrated and disappointed person , ready to go back ,  got what he would have not got even with his best efforts;
3. Teachers are respected by their students all over the world; I pay my due regards to them.