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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

बचपन की यादें : Early childhood memories

बचपन की एक कुत्छ घटनाएं, सम्भवत , उस समय की हैं जब मैं, पांच वर्ष से भी कम आयु का हूंगा! उस समय ना मेरे पास शब्द थे, ना कल्पना, ना विचार, ना ही किसी प्रकार का ज्ञान था ( very little perception ) , अपनी छोटी सी दुनिया में , संकुचित वातावरण में रहता था ! आज, उन घटनाओं को, आज के ज्ञान , शब्दावली, कल्पना तथा विचारों के आधार पर लिख कर विचित्र लग रहा है! नानाजी के यहाँ रहने का  विवरण , पहले भी एक ब्लॉग में लिखा है !

यहाँ, बहुत सी घटनाओं में से केवल दो का विवरण देना चाहूँगा !

१.  साधू बाबा का प्रसाद :  हिन्दू इंटर कॉलेज  की  ओर खुलने वाले दरवाजे  के पास धर्मशाला में , एक छोटे कमरे ( कोठरी)) में  एक साधू बाबा रहते थे ! दैनिक धार्मिक किर्या के अनुसार ,प्रियेतेक प्रात : पूजा पाठ के पश्चात, आरती करते थे ! जैसे ही उनकी छोटी सी घंटी की सुन्दर धुवनी मुझे  सुनायी पडती , मैं  धीरे धीरे चल कर उनकी कोठरी के पास पहुंच जाता था ! मुझे , उस घंटी के बजने का इंतज़ार रहता और, शायद , साधू बाबा को भी मेरे आने का इंतज़ार रहता होगा ! आरती के बाद, वोह मुझे, एक बताशा  और एक तुलसी दल , प्रशाद में देते , उसी का इंतज़ार रहता तथा उसी का लालच भी ! पीले रंग के कनेर के फूल भी उनके कमरे के सामने लगे थे , उनसे बहुत ही सुन्दर सुगंध आती थी जो आज भी मुझे महसूस होती है !

२. नानी जी के बनाये  पेड़े : नानी जी मिठाई बहुत अच्छी बनाती थी , विशेष  कर   पैदा ( Peda ) ; मुझे  बहुत अच्छा लगता था ! जब भी मिल जाये खाने के लिए आतुर रहता ! मुझसे बचाकर  नानी जी उसको , अलमारी  मे सब से  ऊपर के खाने में  रखती थी ! एक दिन मैंने , एक बड़ी सी डंडी ली,  अलमारी की बड़े परियास  से चिटखनी खोली  ! उसी डंडे से धीरे धीरे , पेड़े  के बर्तन  को नीचे  गिराया , कल्पना नही थी कि वोह ऊपर से गिरेगा तथा सारे पेड़े  जमीन पर गिर कर बिखर जाएँगे ! नानीजी, नाना जी, अम्मा , सभी लोग आगये ! मेरा कारनामा देखकर बहुत हंसे  और  बहुत  सारा पियर किया !  Peda  भी खूब आनन्द से खाया! बचपन की यह शरारत आज भी अछे से याद है!               

Saturday, October 27, 2018

PUNDLIK- Driver with Dyers Stone Lime Company, Katni

I have in another blog described about my job with Dyers Stone Lime Company during February, 1959-June 1959;
Here, I would like to give an interesting episode which happened over there.
I had a small but self sufficient and well organized Chemical Laboratory with all the necessary equipments and chemicals required for the analysis of the materials required by the company.
Mr. Pundlik was the company,s driver mainly with the manager of the company , Mr Pinto Rosario . Each morning after driving Mr Rosario to the office, without any fail, he will come and visit me with a big salute and he was quite respectful and well behaved person for me. Always ready to help me for anything.
I needed lot of distilled water for my lab work, though I used to get some quantity from the market but normally, I used to get it each day with my distillator installed in the lab.
One fine morning, Pundlik came with a load of Mahuwa - a flower used to make wine from it and asked me to put it in the distillator to make wine out of it. I politely refused to oblige him as it was not proper and legal to do that. I explained him it will smell all over in the offices including manager,s office. He was not happy about it and asked me repeatedly that I must do it or I have to do it ; He almost threatened me for the consequences if I do not do it for him. I was scared and reported to the manager , Mr Rosario, then told that he is one of the notorious gangman in the city and around, they recruited him not only as driver but also as the security guard for the officials of the company as they travel a lot from place to place. With his presence in the vehicle and in the office, we all are safe and I should oblige him. I called Pundlik and I put the stuff in the distillator , next morning he collected his stuff and he was very happy and thankful;

. Whole office premesis was smelling with toxicating smell of Mahuwa.
I just thought that it is not only political parties recuit this kind of people even private companies do with specific purpose.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

My jab as a CHEMIST with Dyers Stone Lime Company, Katni; 1958

It is an interesting experience to write here. I never liked Chemistry after I have to drop from my B.Sc. Pt. I examination in Meerut College in 1956 because of Chemistry. I opted out Chemistry from my list of subjects to be studied in BHU. Instead of Chemistry, I chose Geology in BHU ( only consideration was any subject but not Chemistry hence Geology by chance).
I responded to an advertisement for a job of a Chemist with Dyers Stone Limes Co at Katni (MP). I applied , got the interview , attended the interview at 10 Alipur Road, Delhi 6.The interview was with Mr. N. Macedo, the owner and the Boss of the Company ( I did not know at that time). He asked me a few questions about Chemistry; Mol. Wt. of HCL and how to prepare normal HCL solution etc. I did not know anything of Chemistry and hence told the same honestly. He asked me as " who called you for the interview, you even do not have a B.Sc. Degree in Chemistry ? "Any way, Get your travelling expenses from our cashier. " I came out and settled the expenses with the cashier. As a second thought, I requested the Secretary of Mr. Macedo to see him once again. So, I saw him again and told that, I do not know Chemistry but if I can learn Geology at B.Sc. level, I can assure you that I can certainly learn the procedures of Chemical Laboratory if told once by someone in Katni. I am prepared to go there of my own and without any salary. Give me a chance for a month and watch out if I can work for you. He told me to go for now and will see as what should or can be done.
After a few days, I received a conditional appointment letter that I am posted at Katni on trial for a month @ Rs.250/ PM + free accommodation. After a month , another interview would be conducted and depending upon the performance and success , appointment would be confirmed .I accepted the offer and reached Katni, reported to the Chief Chemist, Mr. Bharginsa . To my surprise, I found another person, Om Prakash from Aligarh with the same terms and conditions. He was with a postgraduate Degree in Chemistry. Mr. Bharginsa asked me to prepare normal HCL solution which I did not know how to do. He then remarked as who has selected me for this job? I have to say :" that black and short man in Delhi telling me that you will be teaching me the chemical analytic procedures for a month." He said with a surprise that "Do not you know that he is our Boss and that I am not going to teach you anything ". A few days no work, I have been simply watching as what is going on in the Laboratory, certainly not with any disappointment or frustration or rejection. I was very much composed with any situation though it appeared that Om Prakash ,s appointment was sure to be confirmed ( Mr. Bharginsa was interested only in him and the least in me ).After a week, Mr. Bharginsa left Dyers for Bombay to join Johnson & Johnson , leaving two of us to struggle in the laboratory. I picked up a book " Limestone and its products " which included chemical analysis for Limestone products , lime etc.( This included Tappi Method of chemical analysis for LIME which was the only one used here in the lab.) Well. I learned it quickly and did very precise analysis. Om Prakash was busy with burettes and pipettes in the lab, I was going around the works and office to learn inside and outside activities of Dyers. I was reporting my observations and test results weekly directly to Mr. Macedo. So, it was not one month, it was two when he visited Katni. It gave me more time to learn more and adjust to various situations in Katni and with Dyers.Mr. Macedo called me and asked me as how do I like the place, environment and how long I would like to work with them. Sensing the positive attitude of Mr. Macedo, I reciprocated in positive, saying I would like to work as long as he would like .I was almost certain that I got the confirmation. Om Prakash was asked about chemical procedure etc. Om told me that I should prepare to pack off as Mr.Macedo did not ask me any technical questions .I simply said just let us wait and watch .The letter came in his name and he was happy before opening it. The contents were disappointing for him as he was asked to settle his account with the cashier and with a thanks and may be that he would be given an opportunity in the future if available. He got really very much disturbed and became abusive saying that these private companies prefer to have disqualified people etc. Any way, he did not know and forgot that private companies need some other attributes also besides qualifications. Anyway, next day he left for his home.
In fact for these two months , we were living together in the same house, sharing almost everything. I felt his absence .
Days passed, I learned many new things in the lab including the chemical analysis of Fire Clay , Bauxite, and Limestone etc; experimented new products especially HYDRATED LIME ; I became very confident about my work after getting my analysis verified by Shri Ram Institute of Scientific Research in Delhi. I noticed that Mr. Macedo was not only satisfied with my work but very happy with my approach of doing the work.
Hydrated lime was a great success when the product was approved by Pimpri Antibiotic Factory and they placed a huge supply order with us. Dyers and Mr. Macedo were surprised and happy to look at it and on my independent effort in this direction. Mr. Macedo came to Katni, being a Chemical Engineer himself, he designed the mechanical production system of hydrated lime ( that would have been simply impossible for me). Thereafter, I took the charge of quality and production of hydrated lime. Dyers were the first to introduce this product in the market and it generated more substantial income for Dyers. When resigned after I got my admission for M.Sc.( Geophysics), Mr. Macedo reminded me for the words : " that I will work with you as long as you would like " and told Mr. Pinto Rosario, the Manager to wait for his arrival before he would accept my resignation and release me from the job. Mr. Macedo told me that he wanted to appoint me for the post of the Secretary of another coming up company, The Perfect potteries with very lucrative terms and conditions and offered me several attractive options but I have to decline on the advice of my mentor, Prof. Raj Nath. I left Katni and joined BHU for my M.Sc. programme.
Another interesting episode to mention here was that Mr. Macedo requested me to go back in August for a week to Katni and give a week training to his newly appointed Chemist. I did obliged him. But to my surprise and embarrassment , the new Chemist was nobody else but the same Om Prakash.
For me, Dyers Laboratory was first to learn not only chemical analysis but many more other practical things of working in a private company and dealing in varied situations. I thoroughly enjoyed my working with them though it was only for less than six months. It was a great opportunity to have this Great experience of life .I remained in touch with Mr. Macedo for a long time; Mr Macedo was intelligent and a very dynamic person. Even after a few years when Dyers established another Hydrated Plant at DehraDun , with Mr. Kapoor as the Manager, Mr Macedo requested me to be in touch with Mr Kapoor and help him. It was when I was working with ONGC as Geophysicist.