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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Responsibility;  Responsibility and Responsibility: Most important aspect of life ; you have responsibility for the SELF, Family, Community/Society (Social) ,  State (moral and Legal)  and spiritual; you are responsible where ever there is an obligation to fulfil.
Responsibility is defined as "The concept that one is answerable or accountable for something within one's power, control or management."
Traits of responsibility;
the ability to decide and act on your own without supervision,
instill a sense of duty,
social force that binds you to courses of action demanded by force;
trust worthiness,
deserving trust and confidence;
quality of being dependable and reliable;
leadership and importance;
level headedness, stability, maturity, common sense, reliability, rationality, reasonableness, dependability,
trustworthiness, conscientiousness, soberness, sensibleness;
capacity, competency, ability, capabilities, efficiency, loyalty;

If you are responsible, you are responsible in any situation .
People take some and avoid some responsibilities. But the logic is that you should own responsibility according to your ability and recognizable traits ; Accept the responsibility for any situation where ever you are for success and satisfaction for now and greater success and satisfaction later. Avoiding responsibility does not help anyone any where any time; It brings shame and regrets in future; Blaming others ( holding others at fault for causing something )  Justifying the Excuses and Denial ( ignoring the existence of something and facts ) are the expression of self guilt and  backfires some time.
Being or not being responsible is a mental aspect and an attitude. By accepting the responsibility you accept the challenges to attain any height, status, authority and many other attributes of responsibility. That leads you to the path of the progress in any sphere. you develop an attitude of discipline and organization which are necessary to purify and stabilize the mind to gain knowledge for spirituality. If you avoid responsibility , you are not responsible to self, the family, the society, employer, to in fact none. It is not a matter of convenience and comfort that one thinks / consider to do this or that. It is a matter of attitude what one should do what one is supposed to do. according to his/her qualifications and skills and specialization and background.
Being irresponsible brings defamation,, downfall, disappointments , regrets and frustration at a later stage in life. From my own experience while in active service, dealing and working with irresponsible people, I found that these people are not aware that they are irresponsible in spite of telling them repeatedly and illustrating them for their irresponsible acts. They do not accept their faults instead try to justify their actions with excuses; Never try to improve even with punishments, incentives, motivations etc. I worked hard to bring a change in this kind of people but without any results except in one or two cases with great and constant efforts.
Accept the challenges and responsibilities in life and get organized and disciplined to lead a better , meaningful and spiritual  life .

No one thinks about personal responsibility when things go well

KRISHNA and RAM: Comparison

Both are reincarnation- Avtar of Shri Vishnu but they came at different times with different missions;
1; Ram was born in a PALACE as a Prince in Soorya Vansh while Krishna was born in Chandra Vansh with struggle in the PRISON;
2; Ram was born at MID-Noon while Krishna was at MID-Night;
3. Ram ruled as King , Krishna never ruled as King;
4. Ram had only one wife while Krishna had several;
5. Ram killed  Indra's son, Bali and saved Soorya's son Sugreev; while Krishna saved Indra's son Arjun and managed to kill Soorya's son Karan;
6.Ram Lived 11,000 years while Krishna lived only 125 years;
7. Ram fought a war HIMSELF while Krishna never fought a war ( even avoided the war and hence known as RANCHHOD);
8. Ram traveled from North to South while Krishna mostly from West to East;
9. Ram never preached while Krishna was a great preacher ( known as Jagatguru) and gave a great philosophy of Geeta even in the battle field.
10.Ram as a Prince , had education from two Braham Rishis; Vashist ji and Vishwamitraji; ( any way , Ramayan was the time of Rishis .. ) while Krishna had formal education from Rishi, Sandeepanji;

For more detailed information, you may browse following link;

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

SHRAVAN Maas ; significance

 SHRAVAN maas is known as Lord Shiva's month when people all over worship HIM, maata Parvati, Lord Ganesh, Kartike and Nandi.
 A detailed description is given about LORD SHIVA, Shiva temples and Jyotirlinga etc. are given on  this site;

As Vedic Karma, we perform certain rituals including celebrating festivals and keeping fast on certain days and during certain months; details about them are given on this site

For each month and especially for one could see about SHRAVAN month on the following site;

Stories related to the fasting on MONDAYS are given on this site;

Friday, August 9, 2013


SOCIAL CAPITAL though a new concept but has been practiced in India from ancient times. SOCIAL CAPITAL is built on the basis of mutual trust, faith, interest, share and care. It even helps building the MATERIAL CAPITAL and FINANCIAL CAPITAL directly or indirectly and finally SPIRITUAL CAPITAL. It provides you great personal satisfaction and contentment. Its success depends upon the strength of your social networks. You may have several networks , social network of your friends and relatives; professional network of professionals ( most useful now for job prospects and career advancement and many other beneficial aspects of life etc.); Intellectual and spiritual networks of mentors and spiritual gurus. Once developed, these groups/networks go on increasing , providing you more and more benefits from interconnected networks. Accordingly your Social Capital goes on growing and its balance never goes down. It leads you for mental stability and hence an opportunity to gain the knowledge required to understand others and finally and more to SELF. It helps us to build up our SPIRITUAL CAPITAL - the ultimate resource to go with us at the time of our final departure from the world, leaving other capitals and resources back here itself. Depending upon the success and strength, partially, Social Capital may also go with you to be with you in the next birth.
People come together to form the groups or networks ( also known as cooperative societies or clubs etc. best example are found in Gujarat for all kinds of networks and their visible success all over the world for Gujarati community); INFORMATION has become the most important and main resource  for the success and strength of all these networks. We all know the potential of information especially now living in the information society; and that ICT- Information Communication Technology has given the boost  for sharing the information locally and very widely around the globe and establishing even larger social networks and hence providing opportunity for building more and more Social Capital.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rituals, Prayers and Yajna

RITUALS, Prayers and Yajna etc. 

Isvara, the Lord is to be recognized in the form of various and numerous cosmic forces , aspects or elements. These forces are viewed individually and are called devatas or devas or deities .
The Sun, Water, Fire, Air and Earth ( they are most visible to us ) and numerous other aspects or elements of WHOLE- the GOD , in the form of devatas or deities have been doing their respective jobs to sustain our lives for the time immemorial. What they have been giving us, we must also give them back something in return, at least recognition and appreciation by remembering them, by offering them oblation and prayer. They do not need anything from us but we need to respect them which is done in the form of prayers, yajan and rituals.
Out of these crores of devi devatas, FIVE, Ganeshji, Durgaji, Vishnu, Mahesh ( Shivji) and Suryadevji are worshipped daily by most of us. Among these five, SUN is not only the visible devata but most visible one . A recognition and sensitivity is involved here and therefore, we are advised that we must rise in time ( before the sun rise ) to welcome the Sun. The Sun is a blessing and when a blessing comes one should not be sleeping. One must be wide awake for its coming to receive the blessings.
see also;postID=6270048756062122595;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname