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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Birth Certificate ; Date of Birth

In old days in my town, children were born at home in natural Birth with minimum assistance from the local experienced midwives ( dayees) in the town. No health facility like hospital, maternity centre or a clinic in the town. The child and mother used to be separated for ten days from the rest of the family, most probably for hygienic  reasons to take precaution for the health of the child and the mother. They used to join the family only after ten days or so. ( It was only after forty days later that the child and mother were supposed to go out of the house for the first time, normally used to visit a temple and perform some kind of worship ). On that day , a ritual of naming ceremony of the child used to be done by performing some kind of pooja and havan etc. Pandit ji used to prepare the horoscope with usual details about the birth of the child. so, at least we used to have some kind of record in the family.During 1930s and for long time even later, there was no standard system of recording the Date of Birth of the children in our town. There was no clock and watch in the town to record the Time of Birth. It was all approximate. Though, there was an office of the Town Area supposed to keep the record of any births or deaths in the town.But it was never done and hence no record.Therefore, no Birth Certificate or Death Certificate for a person from any Government office or agency could be available or issued ..
Only standard and authentic source of getting the record of Date of Birth was the Primary School Register where the DOB of the child was randomly and approximately recorded by the Head Master as the parents also may not be knowing exact DOB at the time of admission in the school.Most of us, the children of our time have wrongly recorded DOB. No standard or any kind of admission form for the admission in the school, hence no records of any kind of details. Therefore, many of us have even wrong spellings in the names of the individuals and their parents. This.official record is carried to Junior High School and then to High School records. It was quite possible to change any personal details till the Examination Forms for High School are filled up and submitted to the examination Board. After the Certificate for High Examination is issued by the Examination Board, it used to be permanent official record  for all other purposes in future- like Graduate Exam Certificate, Passport etc. 
I am sure that most of the people contemporary of my age carry wrong record of their DOB, When ever, any of us was asked to submit such certificate, there was no way to do that except the court affidavit in lieu of.,Same problem and solution for the Birth and Death Certificates for the parents when ever they were required to be submitted.
Any way most of us celebrate two Birth Days, one official and one the real one.

Encounter with Robbers

Here are three very interesting stories of my father encountered with robbers;

1. With Revati Dacoit: Revati was a local robber from Jhalu- our town and from Padkuwa community ( community goes around begging on Saturdays ). He was very famous for his robbing activities like Sultana Dakoo , robbing from Rich people and helping the poors. He had already declared that no robbers should dare to come our town and rob any one. So, our town was free and safe from any robbery during those days because of him.
We used to go to Dhampur to visit our Buwa ji after Diwali for Bhaiya Dooj. We will start after dinner and after performing  Goverdhan  pooja, normally about 9; 30 PM to reach Dhampur early in the morning . It used to be by Bullock cart via Navada and Nehtaur . the road was kutcha and sandy, hence the cart would move very slowly and making cracking sounds in the sand..It was perfect dark night and silence all over. After 3 miles or so, before Nevada village, my father noted that some one was following us behind the bushes.This area was known for notorious activities of robbers and criminals. Thinking to scare the follower, my father took out his walking cane and displayed it vertically to give an impression that he had the gun. The person followed us for another half a mile and then stopped us .He saluted my father addressing him as Doctor Sahib ( my father was quite popular for his medical services and respected widely in that region) . He respectfully told that thank God that it was he and could recognize my father but otherwise, with the impression of that gun, his gang member would have shot us and things would have been worst. He further told us that up to Nehtaur, there are so many of his men who are busy for the night activities and it would not be safe for us to travel like this alone. He offered himself and followed us for our safety up to Nehtaur. A lucky escape...

2. With Sher Singh: Sher Singh was most famous robber in the Khadar area of Senadwar, Shekhpuri and beyond. My father and our munim ji and some other assistants used to go every year for the harvest of main crop of wheat in Shekhpuri. April is normally quite hot month . All of them used to stay in our own dera ( a residential compound with a boundary and few huts ) . It had a water well outside for the village people also. It was late night, around 1 AM that my father came out to drink some water and noticed some one with a gun and a horse near the well. Before, my father says anything, he saluted my father and fetched the fresh water from the well for him. He then told that he was like his own son-in-law being the son-in-law of Chobdar ji ( my nana ji was known over there as Chobdar). He then requested my father to follow him on another horse to his camp without any fear. He told him that this night they have special entertainment programme and that my father should join him. My father had no choice, he has to follow him. The camp, deep inside the Khadar (Khadar on the bank of Ganga river has tall weeds up to  seven  feet tall and quite thick; no one could see any one inside  from outside and vice verse ); ..
These are places of hide-outs of these robbers. My father told that it was a grand gala music and dance programme and they felt that my father obliged them by coming there . They respectfully accompanied him back to his summer camp in the village.
An interesting encounter with a wanted criminal and robber.

3. Shyam Singh (Syahma Dakoo); shyam singh and his elder brother were very simple people living in the village. They were very good in their carpentry job , rendering day to day services to the farmers making and repairing their farming equipment. Shyama was very skilled and creative person , In his leisure time he used to make toys for the children like gulli danda, gulels and a few others. He was very affectionate persons and used to love children, will give toys to the children as gifts. Children liked him and used to be around him. He made some kind of small  toy gun and gave to the children. the toy was very good , put a small piece of stone or clay and shoot. It could hit the target but with no harm as after all it was a toy only.
It was a nice, simple and poor family . Once a police informer, when he  had nothing to inform, informed the police that he has been making guns. Police rounded him, took him , put him in lock-up, grilled him for nothing. No case to prove, after a few days , he came back home but very upset and stressed with the treatment he met from the police. later on several occasions, when ever, there was any crime in the town or nearby villages, he will be rounded up, questioned. Finally, he was implicated for nothing and convicted for the crime he never committed. This continued time to time. He was harassed and finally a simple, honest and nicer person was made a criminal especially by the environment of the prison . He became a most famous and notorious criminal and robber of that time.
Finally, he was convicted for the severe crimes was supposed to be hanged in DehraDun. He was being taken by special police squad in the special train compartment from Bareilly to DehraDun. His gang was very strong and organized. The people of his gang managed in Moradabad to feed the police with intoxicated food . The gang members entered the compartment when the train departed from the station. Police was already under the influence of intoxicated food. The gang cut off the hand cuffs and foot cuffs and jumped out the train along with Shyama.
My father had the revolver as he was allowed to keep it for his personal safety while going to visit the patients in the night within the town and nearby villages. Shyama knew about it. After jumping off the train, he directly came to our house, knocked the door in the middle of the night. My father to his surpise, saw Shyama alone who is asking permission to enter the house. My father knowingly fully well that he is dangerous criminal, had no choice, allowed to get him in. He was in hurry, he explained his story that how he was implicated to be a criminal and as what happened to his family in all these years during his absence ( remaining in jail or committing the crimes, remained absent from his family and the village );
. that his mental set up has changed and he has been transformed to be a criminal by police;
. the informer in the police who implicated him, is responsible to make him a criminal to make my
  fate like this; He has no right to remain alive. He was in police security and that he was not able
  to eliminate him. Now is the time that he has to do it;
; that during my absence, police has been harassing and torturing  my brother for no fault of his own;
. During my absence, my brother-in-law instead of helping my family, took my wife away and sold
  her forcibly ( considering that she has no future , one day or the , I will be killed or hanged though
 he was right but he had no business to sell my wife ) ; so my brother-in-law and the person who
 bought my wife have no right to live. I have to eliminate them;
. The time is limited , police on look out and will find me soon. I need your revolver to do this last
  job of my life. I will return the revolver as soon as the job is over. Nothing to worry.
My father assessing the situation, had no option except to hand over the revolver to him and remain silent about it.It was really a testing time for my father.
After two days, he came back again in the middle of the night and gave back the revolver. He narrated the rest of the story like this.;
He went first to his brother-in-law and pardoned him as his sister begged him for her own life and the family and convinced him; He also pardoned the person who bought his wife on the plea of his wife that so much time has already passed and now she has new life and children. For their sake he must pardon them, otherwise also her life in his absence was terrible with poor condition of his family.
Finally, he did eliminated the police informer.
He then asked for a dhoti / rapper; He threw away all his cloths and belongings etc and told that now onward he would live a life of beggar for rest of the life. Otherwise, also very soon, police will find me and shoot me. Pl. give me some food , the first alms to begin with.
He left the house and the town. Later, after a few days, he was killed by the police.
I feel sorry for the person who loved the children and especially me; gave us so much love, affection and toys to play and enjoy. This is the end of the simple man, made criminal by the circumstances.
We missed his love.

My Regrets

Decisions and actions change from time to time according to individual's circumstances- conditioning according to environment, perception ( knowledge and understanding ) , experience , exposure , priorities and many other social, religious and economic factors; At every distinct stage of life when you evaluate and assess your past, you feel that you could have done this or you should have done that or you would have done a particular thing in some other way. Every sensible person may realize this kind of situation at various stages of life . It is quite normal for every person.In fact it  just happens to be like that unknowingly  because of our ignorance and negligence or being busy with different perspectives and priorities; do not think to give back something to them who so rightly deserve though never demand or expect anything from us. Even to day , I may not be knowing as what I am supposed to do.  I wish if there are some standard guidelines available at the appropriate time to all of us in the society.
In my retirement when I look back at my past, I do realize that for my ignorance, negligence , inexperience or different priorities at particular time, I could not do certain things which I would have done. I would like to mention  a few of my regrets of life here:

1. My maternal grandmother ( my nani ) was the person with whom I spent the core of my life , 1950 to 1955; I have separately written my thoughts about her. I can never forget for her care, and love for me. It appears to me now as she was born to take care of me and my other siblings. I owe to her. I can never be free from her debt she left on me. I regret that I could not do anything for her; She died too early , I was not even settled properly in my career and life. Perhaps, I was unable to realize, understand to do anything for her at that time.Certainly, whatever I would have done for her would have not been enough. I carry this regret every day with me.

2. My Mentor- My college Principal, Shri C S Sinha; We had special relationship, may be from our previous lives. He was very caring and loving person. He treated me like his own son. He gave away everything he had for the academic cause and the development of the College. He retired with nothing with him, any money, assets , house or any such thing as his savings to live in his retirement. I wonder as how he lived rest of the life. Once, in 1968 after a long break of time, he wrote me a letter mentioning his pitiable condition of living; living with only two sets of shirts and payajama and with meager earning by giving private tuition; further mentioned that families where he goes to give tuition, taunt behind his back that what kind of MA( London )  and DIC , he is ? and what kind of Principal he was as he was observed wearing only two sets of cloths for long time and that too not properly washed and ironed; He requested me to send Rs.50/- so that he may get another set of cloths. I did sent him Rs. 100/ instead of Rs.50/- but never asked again if he needed my help in any way. I should have asked him again and again if he needed my help. There was no body to support him in his old age. I do not know as he passed his last day of life. I feel utterly regret about my negligence in this regard.

3. My father; My father died as a pauper leaving almost nothing behind; a few cloths, no money rather some debt; died because of poor health; I have seen him in real miserable situations having nothing with him. When he died, I could not cry but felt guilty that I did not take care of my father especially about his health mainly due to his financial bankruptcy. I took care of his responsibility like education of my younger brothers; marriage of my sisters especially almost 100% of my youngest sister Rajo but could not take care for his personal health and other aspects. I would have done it as my own responsibility though my brothers who were also well -to-do could have shared some of it. They simply did not care or thought about.

4. My Grandmother- mother of Om Prakash (OMI) and Krishan Kumar; She was poorest of us; I saw her living only with a few dirty and most used cloths even on festivities also, she did not have some thing nice to wear. Though at times, I helped her financially but why I could not help her materially with small things like some new saries or even some good used ones. Sushma shares my regret that why we could not think in this direction. Now when we feel to help others even the strangers, why at that time, we could not think about the people who were so near to us.she loved me the most and expected a lot from me .Time has gone; She has also gone and now what is the use to think about it.

5. My neighbours like Shri Ram Narain, Shri Gharib Das, who were so loving and caring for me. I never thought anything to do for them; they have been haunting me every day since long; I wonder why such thought of doing something did not come to me when they were alive and I was in a position to do something for them. They had no body of their to take care or to do any thing for them. So lonely and uncared by the society. At least some small gifts or a gesture . They would have been so happy even for the smallest gift for them.

6. Others; There are people they love us and care for us without expecting anything; During our active life, we simply forget to think about them; NARAIN is one who comes to my mind, our block servant in Braucha Hostel, BHU; was so affectionate and caring that without even my noticing , he will take care of my personal things, cleaning the room, washing the room, giving cloths to washer man etc; reminding to get up early in the morning; I remember one of his typical comment: " Sahib Uthiye,nahi tau exam ke time par rikshaw mangwai " : Sorry about him; I did nothing for him like most students who might have not done also anything for him; Students after leaving the hostel, just forget them. Master SHIV PRASAD; my childhood teacher in Chandpur , very strict ; used to even beat me on my fingers but bent upon that I must learn; I used to take tuition with him at home as well as in his small place where he used to teach some other children also; I very often remember him for his personal interest in me though it was there for all his students. Why should I have forgotten him through out my life and remember him now in retirement. I owe to him as I did not do anything in return for him. I am seriously thinking to initiate a scholarship in his name for primary school children in Chandpur.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

My expulsion from BHU hostels; 1960

A very strange and interesting experience , I had in April, 1960. I was the student of M.Sc.Previous (Geophysics) and living in Broacha Hostel- special corner room 13A. My room mate was C.D.P.Singh - a student of M.Sc.(Geology)., The life in BHU hostels is very smooth and comfortable with all necessary facilities available. Broacha Hostel had six wings, known as A,B,C,D,E and F blocks. Most of the students of Science faculty lived in this hostel. Each block had a separate warden  to facilitate day to day affairs of the students living in that block. Each block had a few messes to provide the catering facilities for Lunch and dinner. Each mess having about 20 members was managed by them and a monitor to look after the mess. There was a central Cafeteria for tea, coffee, tiffin and breakfast etc. even the lunch and dinner was also served with their own menu and price.My warden was Prof. A.K.Bhattacharyya from the Department of Geology.A wonderful , helpful and very caring person.
I was the monitor for the month of March-April, to manage the mess. The quality of the food supplied by our Cook ( known as Maharaj ) was deteriorating every day. All the members were fed up and complaining about. After several warnings, I removed the cook. I never  knew the system of hostel management except that we had a Chief warden, Prof Y.R.S.K Sarma, also the warden of B block. I did not know even the role or function of the Chief warden. As a student who will never bother for these things, just be busy with your studies and other activities. The cook reported to Prof Srinivasan, warden of C block and also the in-charge to look after the messes of the hostel. Prof Srinivasan called me and asked me as why should I remove the cook??? I explained him in detail but without understanding  our problem, he ordered that if we want to have the mess, we have to have the same cook. I requested him that he should visit our mess and see the quality of the food , he was supplying to us. He rebuked me and asked me not to argue any more.He further reported to the Chief warden that I was arguing with him and misbehaved with him.Prof. YRSK Sarma called me for my explanation and without listening me for any thing told that a disciplinary action would be taken against me for my misbehavior. I did not take it seriously as I never considered this as a matter of concern  or grave. Got busy with my studies for coming up examination.
At the end of the month of May, after the examination, I got a letter to appear before an Inquiry Committee to explain about my behaviour with Prof. Srinivasan. Some times , later I came to know as what happened. Chief warden reported the issue to the Dean of the Students , then Prof. S.C.Dasgupta and he then to the University Authorities . University formed the Inquiry Committee:

The INQUIRY Committee: comprised , the Principal of Science College, Prof. Raj Nath, Dean of Science Faculty, Prof. Ram Lochan Singh, Dean of the Students, Prof. S.C.Dasgupta, Chief Proctor, Prof. R.S.Chowdhry , Head of the Dept. of Physics, Prof. Anant Ram Verma. I wonder, they could not find any more members to investigate this silly and petty issue of a graduate student of the prestigious Department of Geophysics. Twelve students are selected on the basis of strict merit in this department. Each student is expected to be very responsible and  serious.
When I saw the Board of Inquiry with so many members of those positions sitting in the Science College Office, I was amazed and several questions of why why ...??? came to my mind. This looked me a kind of joke- very funny, a mockery of the system. The deliberations of the Committee were still the worst and funny. No body wanted to listen my point of view or any kind of explanation. Only question they had that why I insulted the Prof. Srinivasan and rest of all the statements or funny statements were among themselves ( just one to mention here; Prof Dasgupta said, " Dr. Rajnath that this boy is from your Department" Dr Rajnath replied " Do you think that he is learning these things from me " ) . A few minutes and it was all over , wasting their valuable time . I never thought such kind of deliberations, Board of Inquiry etc. within an academic Institute of this size and type like BHU. for such a petty matter ; I came out and laughed at myself and did not take it seriously.
Before, I left my hostel for summer vacation after my examination, I got the verdict from the University Office:
1. My parents would be informed about the incident,
2.I must write a letter of apology for the incident,
3. I am expelled from all the BHU hostels with immediate effect.
4. I should pay Rs.50/- as fine to the University.
5.It is understood that all the privileges of any scholarship, fee concession etc. would automatically would be withdrawn.

I never imagined this kind of consequences and multiple punishments for no fault of mine.
For all these years , I have been thinking about this incident , told to my friends and other well wishers and they all laughed at it.
Well, I went away on my vacation and forgot about it. When I came back, I noticed that it was serious matter to stay away from the campus and study for my final examination.Well, another funny incident to mention here about the meanness of the Chief warden, YRSK. When he found me sitting with my classmate , Mr, M.L.Gupta in his room. He warned me for further consequences and ML Gupta that if he provided me shelter, he would also be expelled from the hostel; How funny and mean on the part of an academic.....
Well, I found a room in Kailash Lodge in Lanka, outside the BHU campus, not very far from it. Mr. Guha , my another classmate joined me in that room. I do not remember as how and why, he was expelled from the BHU hostels. Kailash Lodge and especially our room was very big and comfortable; had an open terrace towards the market of Lanka. Kailash Lodge had all the basic facilities of a hostel.Absolutely no problem. I purchased a bicycle to commute to the University. But, still problem of loosing Rs.150/- pm scholarship because of the punishment clause of the University , if punished for any thing, loose all the benefits and privileges including the scholarship. That means that unless the whole process of the punishment is reversed , it was not possible. Cashier will not accept the fees unless I pay the fine and if I pay the fine, a punishment is already imposed. I am unable to pay my tuition fees and scholarship is already stopped.
Reversal Process;

I worked out the strategy to get back to the University Hostel and get reversed the verdict of the Inquiry Committee;
1. I wrote a letter of withdrawal from the course to my Head of the Department ( which was not easy for the University Authorities , Geophysics being a special course supported by the Government of India )  mentioning that staying outside of the university would not be suitable for my studies and I may loose my rank etc. ( though some students like A.K.Ghosh, BB Bhatacharyya  were living only outside ); My letter was supported by the Warden of Kailash Lodge with good moral and character and behaviour ; got convinced HOD ;  Prof. Rajnath as HOD and Principal of Science College ( just to mention here that he was my mentor also; I was there in the Department only because of him ) wrote a strong recommendation that I should be given a seat in BHU hostel to carry out my studies smoothly for my final examination. With this letter, I have to visit , Dean of the Science Faculty, Prof, R,L Singh, Chief Proctor, Prof RS Chowdhary  and the Dean of the students, Prof Dasgupta; not in their offices but at their residences, requesting them very humbly, innocently; they all recognized me, laughed at me and several visits to them, they finally endorsed the recommendation; With final recommendation and order by Dean of the students , Prof Dasgupta said " I am putting under the control of a very strict warden of Dhanrajgiri Hostel-( Hostel meant for Mining and Metallurgy Engineering students ), Prof Bhattacharyya is very strict ".Thanks and thanks to all.
With that letter, I visited the Warden of Dhanrajgiri Hostel who knowing nothing of the background of the case, logically and sympathetically told me that I would be misfit in this hostel, I should go to another hostel ( Aiyer Hostel) next to Broacha hostel and nearer to my own classmates etc. though just a new hostel, I would be the first person to enter the hostel and immediately, there wont be any catering facilities. On the contrary of the statement of Prof Dasgupta, I found Prof Bhattacharrya to be wonderfully nice person.
I entered the NEW HOSTEL with all new furniture and excellent facilities of Bathroom and canteen etc. A reward in disguise. slowly, more students joined me in the hostel and it was full with the students. My immediate neighbour was Mr. Jain, a student of Ceramics Engineering from Ferozabad; and S. Guha, my classmate and recent room mate in Kailash lodge ( He automatically got his seat in the hostel once I got in ). My stay in this hostel was very comfortable.
Once I settled down in the hostel, I requested that with the current development, I should be pardoned of Rs.50/-fine imposed on me; it was done with due recommendations and with that all the punishments were reversed and I got my unpaid Stipend retrospectively .

When, I see the whole process, actions and decisions in an academic Institution like BHU, it looks funny but any way organizations are run by human beings only . Great experience of meeting varied and critical situations, solving the problems related to them, meeting authorities of BHU, knowing them and with some establishing my personal relationship.


At some point in life when we are little free from our main responsibilities, we go back in time and try to assess or to evaluate our actions of the past and find that we could have done certain things in a different and better way or some times feel guilty that why we did not  do a certain thing or did a certain thing. Not all of us do this kind of assessment or do it judiciously. Though it is too late to do such assessments as you can not reverse the action and there is no use regretting for your actions in the past but, I fell that still useful for the young generations to learn from our mistakes before it is too late for them.Any way, I do and get disappointed and feel guilty that why I did not know that then.. Reasons could be:
(1) when we are children, our perception is limited as our exposure, experience and knowledge even understanding are limited, no concept or do not think as what we should do.We are mostly guided by our parents, mentors and teachers etc; so no regrets as such for our actions;
(2) when student, trying to build the career, hardly any time to evaluate our actions, though we make certain corrections to our decisions and actions at time to time according to the circumstances, still little scope to do much; Our focus is somewhere else and psychological built up is different and hence the orientation is different.
(3) when young, pursuing the career and looking after the family, we have plenty of things where we could have made certain corrections to make our lives better but the situation and circumstances are quite complicated and our orientation is different for the self, family and the society; do not give serious thought about several things and have regrets later in life.
Certainly , these are very personal and individual considerations even later in the life. I have several things to consider. Here is one about my teachers of childhood who laid the foundation of my career and life. my first teacher pre-primary school education , Pandit Shiv Prashad ji from Chandpur was one of them; Munshi Haider Ali of KG class, used to take care of very seriously, used to make our pen to write on Takhti; Munshi Makhan Lal ji of class one teacher, Munshi Ram Chandra Mal and Munshi Fateh Ulddin of Class three were very good teachers, teaching us as to their own children, very dedicated. We forgot them completely for long time, rather than doing any thing for them by giving them some gifts; they were financially poor people, could have supported them financially a little bit or could have done some thing for their children. We ( many of our classmates and seniors and juniors ) completely missed that opportunity to serve them in any way. I feel sorry about it and wish to point out to the young ones to think early about it before it is too late. Though I understand that now a days education is getting more formalized and personal teacher-student relationship, care and interest are gradually diminishing..
To compensate this and to satisfy myself, I am seriously considering to initiate some scholarships in their name and to honour  them from my small savings.