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Friday, August 9, 2013


SOCIAL CAPITAL though a new concept but has been practiced in India from ancient times. SOCIAL CAPITAL is built on the basis of mutual trust, faith, interest, share and care. It even helps building the MATERIAL CAPITAL and FINANCIAL CAPITAL directly or indirectly and finally SPIRITUAL CAPITAL. It provides you great personal satisfaction and contentment. Its success depends upon the strength of your social networks. You may have several networks , social network of your friends and relatives; professional network of professionals ( most useful now for job prospects and career advancement and many other beneficial aspects of life etc.); Intellectual and spiritual networks of mentors and spiritual gurus. Once developed, these groups/networks go on increasing , providing you more and more benefits from interconnected networks. Accordingly your Social Capital goes on growing and its balance never goes down. It leads you for mental stability and hence an opportunity to gain the knowledge required to understand others and finally and more to SELF. It helps us to build up our SPIRITUAL CAPITAL - the ultimate resource to go with us at the time of our final departure from the world, leaving other capitals and resources back here itself. Depending upon the success and strength, partially, Social Capital may also go with you to be with you in the next birth.
People come together to form the groups or networks ( also known as cooperative societies or clubs etc. best example are found in Gujarat for all kinds of networks and their visible success all over the world for Gujarati community); INFORMATION has become the most important and main resource  for the success and strength of all these networks. We all know the potential of information especially now living in the information society; and that ICT- Information Communication Technology has given the boost  for sharing the information locally and very widely around the globe and establishing even larger social networks and hence providing opportunity for building more and more Social Capital.

1 comment:

  1. My education and work is a good example of social capital. I have gotten two jobs because of my social network and enjoyed good friends because of family connections. Social capital is not something you can measure but it shows up in many ways....
